How soar feet with a cold

How soar feet with a cold
 When supercooling and the first signs of a cold not have to start taking medication. Warming foot bath is not less effective and at the same time almost safe.
 Warming foot baths improve blood circulation, improve the body's defenses and allow you to cope with a cold in the initial stage. You can carry out the procedure with colds, slightly elevated temperature (up to 37, 5 ° C), sore throat and starts coughing.

For the procedure, you can use a deep basin, however useful it will not only warm the feet, and lower leg. Therefore, in the presence of a deep bucket is better to use them.

Pour into a bucket of hot water. Its temperature should be not higher than 38 ° C. Immerse your feet in the water and hold it there for a minute. After a time, add a little boiling water into a bucket and mix thoroughly to water temperature 39-40 ° C turned out. Again dip your feet in the water, but for 2-3 minutes. After this re-mix the water in the bucket with more hot, so she warmed up to 41-42 ° C. Immerse your feet in water for 10-15 minutes. At the end of thermal procedures rub his feet with a towel and put on warm socks. Soar feet preferably overnight.

To enhance the effect, you can not soar feet in plain water, and mustard. 5 liters of water, add 2 tablespoons dry mustard powder, then mix all thoroughly and perform the procedure described above. If you are well tolerated by warming the feet, the water can be heated to 43-45 ° C, but this should be done gradually.

If you wish, you can soar feet and broth of herbs. Well help sage and mint. In this case it is possible not only to warm the foot and lower leg, and a pair of inhaling medicinal plants. This kind of inhalation is very useful to alleviate cough and nasal congestion elimination.

Refrain from thermal treatments during pregnancy and menstruation, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and high temperature.

Tags: foot, colds, mustard, treatment