Axillary lymphadenopathy: how to treat the disease

Axillary lymphadenopathy: how to treat the disease
 Lymphadenitis - an inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is most often caused by streptococci and staphylococci. There are specific lymph node, which are caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
 The bacteria enter the lymph nodes of the inflammatory focus - soft tissue cellulitis or felon. The lymphatic system may also be involved in the inflammatory process, not only at the local focal, but also common diseases and intoxications. Less frequent direct contact with the agent when the bacteria enter the lymph nodes through the trauma of the skin.

 Lymph nodes located in the armpit, serve as a filter lymph vessels of hands, shoulders, chest organs and abdominal organs located above the navel. If there is inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes, then the source of the infection is located in these areas.

 Axillary lymphadenitis Symptoms depend on the form of the disease. Acute lymphadenitis occurs with severe pain and fever. Lymph nodes increase in size. In destructive ways. t. e. with purulent inflammation, symptoms of intoxication. The chronic form of the disease often has no severe clinical picture. In this form of lymph nodes are enlarged in size and soldered together.

 With simple forms lymphadenitis, t. E., Without purulent process, the focus of inflammation is limited and occurs within the capsule formation. With the development of inflammation spreads destruction of the surrounding tissue. In severe cases, adenoflegmona-dense infiltrate having foci of softening. At untimely or ineffective treatment inflammation may spread further, with the defeat of the mediastinal tissue, with the development of thrombophlebitis or septicopyemia. A break out of pus may form lymph fistula.

 Tactics of treatment of nonspecific axillary lymphadenitis depends on the form of the disease. In the early stages of acute axillary lymphadenitis treated conservatively. Antibiotic therapy is conducted taking into account the sensitivity of microflora and UHF therapy. With the development of purulent process conducted the autopsy chamber, followed by removal of the contents of drainage. Further treatment is carried out in accordance with the principles of treatment of purulent wounds.

 Specific axillary lymphadenitis is treated with the general tuberculous process in the body and the presence of lesions in other organs. Treatment in this case long, for several months. In addition to the total specific antibiotic therapy is local to the affected node obkalyvanie ointment and bandages. When you join a purulent infection appointed broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Tags: disease, treatment, lymphadenitis