Treatment of cysts in the breasts of folk remedies

Treatment of cysts in the breasts of folk remedies
 The diagnosis of "fibrocystic breast disease" doctors put women in the mammary glands which are found seals, sometimes very painful but non-malignant tumors. They arise for many reasons, mainly as a result of increased hormonal levels, both in very young women and entered into menopause. What simple folk methods can get rid of the cyst breast?

In most cases, the fear of a woman found in his chest a seal, or many smaller seals, is not justified, because they are benign. Of course, it is better not to risk it in vain and seek medical advice.

For the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy can use such widespread, occurring literally everywhere, plants as St. John's wort and common burdock. Their collection does not cause any difficulties, because these plants are confused with other almost impossible.
To make an infusion, you need to take a little (about 1 tablespoon) dried herb St. John's wort, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Then close the bowl with a lid, to insist. When the infusion has cooled, but rather become lukewarm, soak it in cotton swabs, gently squeeze and apply to the sites of localization of the cyst.

There is another method. You need to dig burdock root, clean. Then finely chop or grate. 10 grams of root pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover bowl and infuse for two to three hours. When cooled infusion, it must be drained through a cheesecloth. Take half an hour before a meal and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

There are not so famous, but also effectively operating plants as gentian macrophylla, Melilotus officinalis. You can either collect himself or purchase the collection in pharmacies (especially gentian, which is not native to the European part of Russia).

1 tablespoon minced root pour a glass of gentian macrophylla water boil. Decoction cool, strain through cheesecloth. Moisten a cotton swab in it, gently squeeze and apply on the area of ​​cyst formation.

There is another way. 10 grams of dried herb Melilotus officinalis pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water, cover bowl with a lid, then let it brew. Decoction cool, use lotions as well as in the case of gentian.

Tags: cyst means breast gland, mammary treatment