The use of hop cones

The use of hop cones
 Spring - time collection of young shoots of hops, which are used in medicine in the manufacture of many medicinal preparations. And autumn gives people ripe golden green hop cones, a storehouse of medicinal substances. Women's Site JustLady tell in this article on the use of hop cones, their usefulness to humans.

In Russia, this plant has long been known, since pre-Christian times. Yarylo - cheerful fertility god of the ancient Slavs, drew his strength and power is in hops. Hops are not only treats, he is also fun - the applicationhop cones in the manufacture of beer known to all. Hops growing rapidly, does not require special climatic conditions and perfectly brings all the extreme weather events. Therefore, the newlyweds in Russia has always been taken to shower hops, so that they are as healthy, cheerful, gave birth to strong children and lived in prosperity. Spread wasthe use of hop cones charlatanry: they were considered excellent means love potion, protects against the evil eye and spoilage.

Hops in Russia was a symbol of a rich harvest, it begins to collect the last, after the fields have been removed from rye and wheat. Therefore, the collection of "intoxicating" product is always accompanied by a public celebration was held with songs and fun. In Europe, hops are used with the IV century, as one of the main components for making beer. But specially bred and cultivated this plant began only in the tenth century, when brewing in Bavaria, Saxony and France became especially popular.The use of hop cones in the manufacture of beer due to its properties: it improves the biological parameters of beer, good effect on foam stability. In the beer industry uses only hop cones cultural, inflorescence of female plants.Hop cones composed of petals covered the inside with flour hop, it is worth it for the production of beer. In addition, the hop cones contain large amounts of alkaloids and phenolic compounds, which give the beer a wonderful flavor and aroma.

In medicine,the use of hop cones widespread. Medicinal properties of this plant give numerous nutrients and organic compounds that abound in these golden-green fruits. Hop cones contain vitamins, organic acids, volatile, polyphenols, gum, wax, aromatic oils - it is impossible to list all the components of this "storage" of drugs.

The use of hop cones

The healing properties of hops were known long ago, in Arabic manuscripts dating from the thirteenth century., The researchers found tips on the use of hops as a diuretic and cleansing the blood money. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic propertieshop cones cause their efficacy in inflammatory diseases, tuberculosis, malaria and thrombophlebitis. Infusions cones have a tonic, antispasmodic, analgesic effect, they are perfectly calm the nervous system and tone the entire body. Decoctions of hops increases gastric secretion and appetite, normalizes the liver, kidneys, helps with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and catarrh.

The soothing properties of the plant are used in the manufacture of sedation. In combination with other herbs, hops has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, relieves irritability, and promotes a healthy, sound sleep. The infusion of inflorescences of hops perfectly helps with gynecological disorders, regulates lactation in nursing women. Excellent results have application hop cones gives the treatment of various types of dermatitis and other diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

The use of hop cones in folk medicine

The extract of hop cones help of many ailments, it can be made at home. It relieves headaches, regulates metabolism, helps with osteochondrosis, rheumatism and sciatica.

If you suffer from insomnia, take 2 tbsp. spoons herbal (hop cones, peppermint, valerian roots), pour 1 liter of boiling water. Once the broth infusion, strain, cool and take before meals for 0, 5 cups.

When the pain in the joints pour 1 tbsp. spoon hops 1 cup boiling water, soak a cotton cloth with the solution and apply to the affected area. Trophic ulcers helps ointment made from ground dried hop cones and lard.

The neuroses: 1 part of hop cones chop and pour 4 parts alcohol. Insist for a week, strain through a fine strainer and take a few drops per tablespoon of water in the morning and evening before meals.

Tea made from hops: 1 tbsp. spoon of hop cones pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. The use of two plates throughout the day acts as a sedative, a sedative, 1 cup drunk just before bedtime, acts as a soporific.

The use of hop cones

The use of hop cones in cosmetics

Hops extract is widely used in the cosmetic industry and in the treatment of skin diseases. Special creams, shampoos and lotions strengthen hair, dandruff, relieve dermatitis and acne. Bath with hop cones have a regenerative effect, moisturize the skin and eliminates irritation. These baths strengthen the body, increase resistance to infection, colds, therefore, particularly useful for children and the elderly. Decoction of 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed hop on a glass of boiled water, wipe the face before going to sleep, it will help to get rid of greasy.

The use of hop cones is not limited only to the use in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, hops has good palatability. Its leaves and young shoots are perfect for preparation of various salads, they are added to the first dishes and sauces as condiments. With the help of hops made brew and baking yeast. Since it belongs to the category of poisonous plants, treatment with drugs containing hops, should be under medical supervision.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body, use, property, influence, hops, use, broth, collection, use, medicine, contraindication