How to treat swelling of the nose

How to treat swelling of the nose
 Edema of the nose (mucous membrane) is extremely common. It occurs for various reasons, but always causes severe discomfort and desire as quickly as possible to get rid of.
 The cause of the swelling of the mucous may be respiratory infections (common cold), allergies or nasal trauma. If the latter can not do without trauma specialist as edema caused by tissue injury and can not be removed without the recovery, in other cases, it is possible to cope with them independently.

If there was contact with some substance to which you are allergic (for example, you did not know about his reaction to the substance or the contact could not be avoided), frequent sneezing starts, rapid swelling of the mucosa and appear clear discharge from the nose. In such a situation, you should avoid contact with the allergen and rinse your nose with warm water. This will help get rid of nasal discharge and fast enough to remove the swelling. Will also help to drugs such as "Zyrtec", "Tavigil" etc.

If mucosal edema is caused by acute respiratory illness, then remove it quickly and completely unlikely to succeed. It is possible, as with allergic edema, nasal lavage apply. But in case of "cold" better use warm saline. Rinsing can be carried out not more than three times per day. However, this method can be applied not always (sometimes intense nasal lavage can only complicate the course of the disease). For a more rapid removal of edema is better to use a vasoconstrictor drops. They give a good effect, but using them for more than five days is not recommended (some of them can be addictive). Well relieves swelling of the nose such a drug as "Sinupret" (drops).

Can assist in the removal of edema massage active points (between the eyebrows, beside the nose wings). Good effect can give contrasting foot bath.

Also possible to use traditional medicine (eg, beet juice, aloe juice or kalanchoe, onion juice), but dropping into the nose of these "drugs" should be careful. The same applies to the widespread warming (salt, boiled eggs, etc.) and steam inhalation. Before using these treatments should consult with the ENT doctor. In some cases, SARS warm nose contraindicated.

Tags: nose, allergies, medication, mucous, maze