How to treat a strong dry cough

How to treat a strong dry cough
 Cough - is not an independent disease, but merely a symptom of a disease of the respiratory system. He usually accompanies colds, viral diseases, respiratory infections. Especially exhausting strong dry cough and have to deal with such a complex.
 All measures of treatment with a strong and dry cough are intended to make it wet, ie, to facilitate the outflow of phlegm from the bronchial tubes. Then once the patient feels relief. To achieve this purpose, various methods. It is important, for example, use more water to stabilize the water balance in the body. This contributes to liquefaction of sputum, brings healing. And the best drink warm mineral water type "Borjomi", its composition is ideal for relieving with a strong cough.

Traditionally, for the treatment of dry cough shows different kinds of heating. People have always struggled with him using mustard plasters, cans, alcoholic compresses on his throat and rubbing warming ointments, such as turpentine or menthol. However, these procedures can be done only if the body temperature is not increased.

Very effective help with a strong cough inhalation. But they can only do adults and children over 4 years. Toddlers after such a procedure may appear suffocation. Inhalations must be at least 3 times a day. If you do not have an inhaler, a solution can be prepared in a simple saucepan. Simply boil water, add it leaves mother and stepmother, chamomile, sage, thyme, mint, a pinch of baking soda, a few drops of eucalyptus oil and menthol. Breathe over the steam necessary for 10-15 minutes, covering a large head with a towel. Just a day or two cough decrease becomes more humid.

Can not do the treatment of severe dry cough without medication. Refers mucolytic or expectorants. It is best to choose those products containing herbal ingredients. This, for example, ACC, "Bromhexine" "Lasolvan" etc. Antitussive expectorant drugs should be taken only on prescription, since the selection of the wrong they may cause various side effects. In no case can not be combined simultaneously mucolytic and antitussive, because they opposed the mechanism of action: the first stimulate the production of mucus and liquefy it, and second, on the contrary, suppress. As a result, may plug the bronchi.

Tags: cough, cold, dry, treatment