How to get rid of red blood vessels in the eyes

How to get rid of red blood vessels in the eyes
 The problem of red eyes is familiar to many. Because of the heavy load, excessive fatigue, pressure boosting tiny blood vessels on the surface of the eyeball, expanding, and the eyes appear red.
 To anticipate all the situations where there may be redness of the eyes, is simply impossible, but it is useful to know how to eliminate it. "Artificial tears" to help narrow the blood vessels and thus get rid of the redness. They are great "smeared" and moisten the surface of the eyeball, reduce inflammation and burning, but are not able to solve the problem quickly. These "artificial tears" as polyvinyl alcohol and gipermellozu can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

If you wear contact lenses, you will be the usual moisturizing eye drops, which perform the same function as the "artificial tears". Medicinal eye drops, such as "Vizin", "Murin", "Sofradeks" contains in its composition the active vasoconstrictor complex, which is capable to remove red eyes in a short time, about 45 minutes. So if you have an urgent need to reduce inflammation and redness of the eyes, enough for half an hour before an important meeting to drip into each eye two drops of any of these medicines. That's just they should be used in extreme cases, and in any case not to abuse: they have the effect of habituation, and the more often you will use them, the more difficult it will be to do without them afterwards. If you constantly eyes red and inflamed, you must find out why the doctor and not mask the symptoms of the disease.

To cope with the problem of red-eye and can be at home, accompanied by closed eyelids cold compress for 20-30 minutes. Due to cold weather there is a narrowing of blood vessels and the elimination of redness, relieve tension from the eyes. To compress wrap ice cubes in a clean handkerchief or soak in cold water a piece of cloth.

Also nice relieves redness and potatoes: just put a slice of fresh peeled root for ever, and to lie for 5-10 minutes. Proven popular method to remove red-eye problems suggests the use of a compress of chamomile tincture or strong tea leaves, which should be attached to the closed eyelids and wait a few minutes.

Tags: eye fatigue, vessel, compress, red, red