How to get rid of a nervous tic eyes

How to get rid of a nervous tic eyes
 Tic eye is suddenly repeated contraction of individual muscle groups. While the main causes of nervous tic is not installed, but the fact remains that it is associated with neurological imbalance. Manifest tic eyes may involuntary twitching of the lower or upper eyelid, involuntary movements or blinking eyebrows.  
 The first manifestations of nervous tic may occur in early childhood and human life. In adulthood, the appearance of a nervous tic associated with psychological trauma. Tic eyes - a kind of reaction to a stressful situation. It is regarded as a protective reaction of the body to any external stimulus.

Tic may appear on the organic soil, i.e. as a result of severe diseases of the central nervous system, for example, atherosclerosis, brain trauma or infection.

The emergence of the problem indicates that it is time to learn how to avoid any feelings, serious unrest and arrange a proper rest. Get rid of a nervous tic possible by receiving sedation and increased consumption of foods containing calcium.

The first is to calm the nervous system nightly walks in the fresh air, swimming in the pool, relaxing warm bath with essential oils. For this purpose, suitable oil of lemon balm, lavender or tea tree. It is worth remembering about the benefits of daily physical exercises and hardening.

In some cases, tick occurs due to eye fatigue or overvoltage. Then you must learn how to shoot with the facial muscles tension. To do this, lying down or sitting in a free, relaxed position, close your eyes, relax the muscles of the jaw and face. Say aloud the sound "s", the language while to climb up and down, drag it to the palate, jaw a bit goes down. Parallel to inspire myself that all the facial muscles soften and blur. 5 minutes is usually enough exercise to tic eyes disappeared without a trace. If he came against the backdrop of severe fatigue, should be placed on the eye compresses of strong tea or decoction of chamomile.

Good effect gives the daily use of sedative infusions. For this brew in equal parts peppermint leaves, valerian root and leaves of bean trefoil. Take a glass of infusion before bedtime. In the afternoon you can drink green tea with mint. Also, try not to watch horror movies and be less of a computer.

Tags: eye, teak, treatment, disposal