What to do with food poisoning

What to do with food poisoning
 Food poisoning in the summer - a common occurrence that may arise in the use of almost any food. Contributing factors that can cause this condition, it becomes a high ambient temperature, predispose to accelerated development of microbial foodborne pathogens, and a large number of flies carrying these pathogens.

For food poisoning at any time of the year is characterized by common symptoms that are a reflection of the body's reaction to getting infections and symptoms of gastro-intestinal tract, the severity of which different people (even when using the same product) may be different.

Local symptoms in causing dyspeptic symptoms - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea of ​​varying severity, common symptoms consist of symptoms of dehydration and the effects of general intoxication (fever, headache, general malaise, thirst). That is why all food poisoning to clarify the nature of the causative agent (identified by isolation of the pathogen from suspected food, faeces of the patient, and in the later stages of the disease - using serological blood tests) are treated according to the same principles.

- Bed rest and limited physical activity - can reduce discomfort and prevent complications.

- Gastric lavage to reduce the absorption of toxins and remove microorganisms from the gut - use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, pure water, a weak solution of baking soda. An adult patient is given a drink 0, 5-1 liter of solution and cause vomiting, irritating the root of the tongue, the procedure was repeated 3-4 times until a clear solution.

- Restores the loss of fluids and electrolytes - give into fractional portions strong iced tea, non-carbonated mineral water, weak solution of salt and a few drops of lemon juice, raster "Regidron", which is prepared from powder bought at the pharmacy. Solutions give 20-40 ml every 10-15 minutes.

- Inside give tablets chelators (activated carbon sorbeks) or as a solution or a gel (smectite, enterosgel)

All other drugs can be used only after consulting a doctor, which necessarily must call if improvement does not occur within 4-6 hours, or the patient's condition, despite the measures taken, continues to deteriorate.

Tags: liquid, stomach, loss, poisoning, washing, filling