Mummy: the use, treatment, contraindications, mummy in cosmetology, mummy slimming

 Mummies - a gift of nature, which has potent anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and tonic effect. Under his power to strengthen the processes of recovery and renewal in different tissues of the body, improve our efficiency, mitigate the effects of radiation exposure, regain confidence men (virility). Mummy gives us not only good health for years to come, but also the natural beauty! Offered together with women's magazine Justlady discuss the amazing properties of mummies: peculiarities of its use, treatment with mummy, mummy recipes for beauty and body hair, and even the use of mummies for weight loss!

In category Health: vitamin E, vitamin E in foods, oily solution of vitamin E, vitamin E deficiency

Currently mummy

Many are losing faith in the unique properties of the mummy, having tried this product in tablet form. But they made a mistake - extract pills mummies are adding all sorts of impurities, which make some changes. Simply put, the healing power of the mummy disappears. So say the experts, and they are not difficult to agree, after reading numerous reviews on the forums, and listening to stories of loved ones, acquaintances. But who fell into the hands of the present mummy - resinous viscous mass black color and odor and bitter taste, have known his power to themselves and do not stop to admire the generous gift of mother earth. Draw conclusions!

Application mummy

First of all, mummy - a first class doctor! Treats it just a huge number of ailments and diseases, including: cystitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, allergies, colds, and many others Currently mummy delaying wound, improves the general condition, improves sleep quality, raises appetite in human patients, helps to say goodbye to pain. Shilajit is well dissolved and often taken inside reconstituted juices, water, milk, tea, honey. In some cases, mummy absorbed in its natural form, but it's not to everyone's shoulder.Applied mummy cosmetic purposes - as masks and baths. In recent years, the increasing popularity of utilizing mummy for weight loss.

Treatment with mummy

Below we describe the recipesthe treatment of certain diseases with mummyBut do not forget the golden rule - consult with your doctor before using the recipes of traditional medicine never hurts!

Getting rid of allergies via mummy
When used regularly, much less worried about allergies - passes itching, rashes decrease, nasal breathing returns to normal. Treat allergies using mummy follows: Dissolve 5 - 8 g. mumiyo 0, 5 liters. water, take one tablespoon in the morning as you wake up (before meals) and the second time in the evening. Rashes recommended to smear more concentrated solution. Please note that mummy has on our body diuretic effect.

Mummy treats bronchitis and sore throat
What helps mummy colds and bronchitis hated? It soothes sore throat, inflammation of lymph nodes stops and removes painful fatigue, impotence. Treat a sore throat and bronchitis follows3, the mummy must dissolve twice a day, but if you put it mildly, difficult to bear the bitterness in the mouth mummy - add it in honey or chocolate spread. Alternatively, you can drink the solution (four grams mummy should be dissolved in 250 g of cooled, but not cold boiled water) one tablespoon three times a day until then, until completely get rid of the disease.

Getting rid of migraines and vertigo using shilajit
Debilitating pain go away, but it helps the following regimen: it is necessary to use inside the morning on an empty stomach and at night before bedtime mixture mummy with milk and honey (0, 5, the mummy plus milk and honey in a ratio of 1/15) .. The course of treatment lasts more than 25 days, after which it is necessary to make a break for 10 days. The course of treatment can be repeated.

Treatment of acne and blackheads using mummy
Oh, those pimples, how many of them concerns and experiences. But there will always be ways to address them, here, for example, helps a lot to say goodbye to acne mummy:

The first methodThree tube usual face cream thoroughly mixed with 15 grams of mummies and give it brew for 24 hours. Apply the resulting mixture before going to bed directly on pimples or skin affected by acne, but not scrub!

Second methodDivorcemummy not too thin, and it is our unpleasant mixture will drain from his face and just ruin the mood. Apply on face for 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash off the mummy. Such a method is perfectly nourishes and cleanses the skin from pimples and enhances blood circulation.
A third method: Stir in a water bath 1 teaspoon of honey with mummy size of a pea. To smear the affected area and kept the mask 20 minutes, then wash off.

Mummies will raise immunity
Below are 2 wonderful recipe application mummy to enhance immunity. The course lasts for 20 days, then 10 days there is a break and you can repeat.

The first recipe: To 5-8 g mummies add a few drops of water, bring to a mushy state, then add 500 g of honey and all thoroughly mixed. Should take 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. Mandatory condition - storage in a cool place.

The second recipe: Mix 100 grams of aloe with 5 g of mummies and juice of 3 lemons, stand a day, then drink 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

Mummy in cosmetology

Mummy: the use, treatment, contraindications, mummy in cosmetology, mummy slimming

Thanks to its unique composition mummy returns the beauty of skin, hair and even the ability to rejuvenate! Experience the wonderful properties of mummies can each of us, choose recipes and use:

Rejuvenating bath with mummy
Take 5 g mummy, carefully dissolve it in 500 ml of boiling water. The temperature of the bath should be about 30 degrees, it dissolved add half mummies, i.e. 250 ml. Immersed in the bath for 20-30 minutes and relax (this procedure is done in the evening). After the bath, the water does not come out, and leave until morning. In the morning, add the rest of the liquid with the mummy, add hot water (water temperature do again 30 degrees), and again take a bath. The course lasts for 20 days, then the mandatory break for 10 days. IMPORTANT: DO NOT drink alcohol! Of drugs are also encouraged to give up.

Mummy mask, nourishes the skin
We will need 2 grams of mummies, which we dissolve in 1 teaspoon of water, add 20 ml of obligatory 15% misfit cream for dry skin, or the same amount of milk for oily skin, volem 1 teaspoon honey, 1 egg yolk for dry skin or 1 protein for oily skin and this well to mix things up. The resulting mass is applied on the skin for 30 minutes, then wash off with water at a pleasant temperature. Mask amazing, but it is better to do no more than once a week.

Treatment of stretch marks using a mummy
Healing cream for stretch marks: thoroughly dissolved two grams mummy in one teaspoon of water (boiled necessarily). Next, mix with 1 tube baby oil and rub once a day in our problem areas. Do not forget to keep our cream in the fridge.

Mummy slimming

Well, we got to the most interesting topics - mummy for weight loss. It is proved that taking courses mummy has beneficial effects on metabolism, reduces appetite, and as a result - go the extra pounds. While it certainly does not mean that it is enough to drink mummies and lie on the bed waiting for a miracle. Mummies will help in the fight for a slim figure for those who still make efforts to realize his dream - to move more, do not load up at night and reduce the number of calories consumed (in the latter and help mummy). Recipe application is simple: you need to use mummy at 0, 5 - 1 g in the morning before meals and at night before bedtime. It is recommended to hold four courses (but do not forget about the uniqueness of each individual case). One course lasts 20 days, then take a break for 5 days and can repeat the course.

Recipes with mummy hair beauty

Mummies can transform our hair: they will become healthier, stronger and even thick. To achieve these goals will fall by the way with the following recipes for mummy hair beauty:

Take 2 grams mummy, and dilute it in shampoo. Do not worry - shampoo acquire a dark color. Next, wash your hair with shampoo so wonderful, but with one difference - after a good lather shampoo, do not wash it 5-7 minutes.

Strengthens hair and accelerates their growth rate, the following procedure: 2 grams mummies were diluted in 1, 5 cups of water and sprayed hair roots from a spray for 2 hours before washing hair. Will be a useful parallel to drink mummies to 0, 2 grams per day rates.

The extraordinary beauty of the hair gives the following recipe with mummy: 100 grams of cranberry grind and fill with boiling water, leave for four hours after which it was dissolved in 3 grams of mummies and rub infusion regardless of washing hair.

Another good recipe for mummy hair beauty: Dissolve 50 grams of honey mummy and 5 grams in 1 cup of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn juice. Rub into the roots of the hair for half an hour before washing.

Mummy contraindications

The first thing I want to say about safety precautions - in any case should not be over tightened treatment using mummy, because the body can get used to the artificial stimulation, and then start problems when you stop taking the mummy. Everything is good in moderation!

Note the followingcontraindications to the use of mummies (Should refuse to accept the mummy in the following cases):
1. Pregnancy and lactation
2. Age 12 years
3. The presence of the tumor
4. The presence of bleeding
5. High blood pressure

Prohibited the use of alcohol duringtreatment mummy. For more information you can get from your doctor - his recommendations are very important and will help to avoid mistakes, taking mummies.

Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body, hair, pregnancy, stretching, cold, mask, acne, gold, allergies, pressure, shampoo, tablet, immunity, recovery, fashion, cosmetics, intake, weight loss, review, recipe, influence, mummy, treatment, use, enjoyment, contraindication