How to treat hormonal failure

How to treat hormonal failure
 Hormonal failure is a manifest violation of hormonal environment of the human body. It can adversely affect not only the reproductive function of women, but also invoke the various changes in the psychological and physical nature: headaches, fatigue, insomnia, menstrual disorders, emotional imbalance, the formation of cysts, tumors, etc.

Treatment of hormonal failure, usually involves hormonal drugs. In our days, modern medicine offers many medications that have a fairly low dose of hormones and which rarely lead to adverse consequences.

However, the restoration of hormonal levels can help by following these simple rules. First, pay attention to your diet. Try to eat only healthy food, no preservatives, colorings, genetically modified organisms. Include in the diet foods rich in vitamin E, C, B, beta-carotene, and zinc. Once a week, in order to cleanse the body of toxins and nitrates useful to arrange fasting days on juice or water.

Second, to restore the hormonal levels can do acupressure. Acting on certain points, we are able to influence the work of the endocrine glands.

In addition, the coordinated work of hormones depends on the day. It is necessary to establish a harmonious sleep, nutrition, work. Violation of the usual routine leads to disorder of the nervous and endocrine systems, which in turn affects the hormones person.

A malfunction of the endocrine and nervous systems and causes emotional stress. It must be avoided at all costs, removing stress sports, relaxation, breathing exercises. In some cases it is necessary to revise the outlook on life in a more positive direction.

It must be remembered that the hormonal failure involves treatment, the effectiveness of which depends more on the attitude of man.

Tags: body, flu, background, nutrition, rehabilitation, headache, sport, vitamin, treatment, violation, urination, failure