Foot fungus

 And what's more is it? Where did these blisters and cracks, and most importantly, an unbearable itching between the toes? Nothing like you have never watched! You're so fond of their delicate legs and lovingly take care of them! Although if you remember yesterday's trip to the pool .... You just do not like the rug and slippers you, as often happens, forgot at home. Many readers of women's magazine JustLady have realized that today we will focus on the athlete or, more simply, a fungus of the foot.  

In the category Fitness: Hot Step

This unpleasant disease caused by microorganisms that live on your skin. When he gets in the right conditions, it begins to grow rapidly and can mess things up a lot of trouble, in comparison with which the itching and burning will seem minor troubles.

Under favorable conditions, in this case refers to the heat and humidity. So, in order to prevent disease, you should do some of the rules.

Try to keep your feet dry. Your shoes need at least a day to properly dry. And if your feet sweat a lot, if not more. It is best to have two pairs of shoes to change it every day.

Do not let the fungus no chance. Never go barefoot in public places such as sauna, swimming pool, gym. And, of course, not to wear someone else's shoes, even for a moment.Fungus is very hardy and can easily go with someone else's shoes on the floor or your foot.

Do not wear tight shoes. And less use plastic and rubber slippers. They are good for a hike in the pool, but not for long-term wear.
Not too lazy to bring to the job easily removable shoes, best open enough, and change shoes every time. In a tightly closed toe shoes sweat anyway, even if you do not suffer from excessive sweating, which creates excellent conditions for the development of fungus.

If you are yet to discoverfungus on the feet, Do not despair, but get ready for what will take place 1, 5 months before you get rid of the fungus. After cure it - that's not all, it is necessary to take measures so that he did not return.

Today, there are a number of fairly effective antifungal drugs, which you can find at any pharmacy. But before applying a special cream, it is useful to make a salt bath for feet. Prepare the solution at the rate of 2 tablespoons. l. salt to a pint of warm boiled water and immerse the feet for 10 minutes salt solution prevents the growth of mold, reduces sweating and makes the skin softer, which helps the drug to penetrate the skin more deeply.

Suitable for the treatment and soda. Prepare a paste of baking soda and a small amount of boiled water. Rub the mixture into the affected area, then wash off and dry thoroughly leg.

To reduce the sweating is best to use talcum powder or special.

When you can win and fungus capitulate, do not try to stop there. You will need another two weeks to be sure that the attack did not come back. All this time, continue to use the antifungal cream and practice good hygiene.

Firstly, you have to carefully monitor that the dead skin cells from the feet could not get back to your body. To do this, verify shoes daily and wipe it from the inside with a disinfectant solution. As a final fit of 25% formalin solution, or a solution of 40% vinegar.

 For greater certainty send shoes to the quarantine. After the treatment, put it in a sock slippers cotton swab soaked in disinfectant solution and place in a sealed plastic bag and leave for a day. After removing the shoes to be treated with ammonia to remove the smell of disinfectant.

Socks washed in very hot water and thoroughly rinsed from detergents.

Do not let him hide in anticipation of your next miss. Be sure to put far from horny foot sections. They may still be a fungus, and at the first opportunity, he will be reborn to life.

Thoroughly rinsed containers in which to carry out procedures for the legs. Bath or basin should be good to clean out the pieces of the epidermis.

Regularly engage toenails. Be sure to clean the space beneath them. When performing any of the procedures careful not to damage the skin. After all, if the area of ​​the skin is healthy, it can penetratefungus. And if you prevent damage to the affected area, there can get infected and your life is significantly complicated.

A few tips for the treatment offoot fungus can be found in folk medicine.
1. One of the finest tools for removing coffee trays are itching.
For this procedure, you should boil 200 ml of strong coffee (of course, from natural grains) for 10 minutes. Dilute coffee 0, 5 liters of warm water and keep the legs in the solution for 20 minutes. Procedure is recommended every evening for seven days.

2. Two blades of grass veronica zaley liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Keep your feet in hot broth for 15 minutes.

3. In three liters of warm water to dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate, add a liter of apple cider vinegar and mix well. Put your feet in the bath for 5 minutes.

A great way to relieve itching and accelerate recovery is considered onion juice. They need to wipe the affected area and leave to dry completely.

For the treatment offoot fungus can be applied to a special tea. To make it, you will need 2 teaspoons three-colored violet, and a succession of grass Gorjanki. Collection zaley cup of boiling water. Take two tablespoons of up to 4 times a day.

Be sure to try to cure fungus, do not throw started midway. Firstly, the fungus can return, and secondly, the disease started up to itself, by itself will not work, and may end up badly.

If you have had a strong inflammation or festering leg was swollen, a fever, see a doctor immediately. Only a competent dermatologist will help you heal forever.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Photo, forum, shoes, fungus treatment, foot, foot