Pain during menstruation. Why they happen and how to fight them

Pain during menstruation. Why they happen and how to fight them
 Menstruation - a natural phenomenon happening in the life of every woman every month. They are associated with a certain discomfort and require compliance with certain hygiene procedures. It would seem that in the course of life, it should be getting used to, but - no stranger, because in most cases accompanied by very significant menstrual pain. Why is this happening and how to deal with this pain, tells his readers female online magazine JustLady.  

What hurts at monthly

Many of us put up with the pain during menstruation, believing that they - normal, albeit a rather unpleasant, but an integral part of the menstrual period. And in vain. Because such pain is often a symptom of a disease.

Menstruation - is not only biological but also a mechanical process. Their period is cleaning the body from what is no longer functional need. Our nervous system during menstruation in turn excites the muscles genitals, outputting all unnecessary. This process is regulated by nerve impulses that are carried out through the nerve cells. If any of these cells due to lack of food or for other reasons, blocking nerve impulses in the frequency of muscle contractions occur disorder. It was he who contributes to pain.

Painful menstruation medicine called dysmenorrhea or algomenoreya. Usually the pain occurs in the lower abdomen for a few hours before the onset of menstruation and lasts one or two days. It can be cramping, aching, stabbing and gives a lower back or pelvis. There are several degrees of severity of pain. At first, the most common, the extent they are reasonable, causing only slight discomfort and does not disturb social activity.

There are such a pain in adolescence and eventually subside, and after giving birth and generally can pass. However, if this does not happen, should be wary. Otherwise, light form of dysmenorrhea threatens gradually evolve into a more severe form, with a fairly strong and long-lasting pain.

When algomenoree moderate except for severe pain, may appear chills, nausea, headaches, weakness, dizziness. Mental and emotional condition of the woman deteriorates, its performance is greatly reduced. For ease of being in this case requires, as a rule, drugs that should pick up the doctor.

With regard to the third degree of dysmenorrhea, when it creates very strong pain in the abdomen and in the lumbar region, there is a pronounced general weakness and severe headache. Often, while the temperature rises, heart pain, tachycardia, and vomiting. A woman can swoon. Painkillers in such a situation does not help.

Dangerous if dysmenorrhea? In general, yes, because it not only can be a sign of a sufficiently serious illness, but also lead to menstrual irregularities or infertility. So Muchwhy pain during menstruation arise?

Pain during menstruation. Why they happen and how to fight them

How to reduce pain

Doctors suggest that one of the causes of pain is hormonal imbalance. Furthermore,pain with menstruation are due to diseases of the nervous system or the urogenital organs, immature uterus or uterine having an inflection due to inflammation, scarring constrictions cervical tumors, cysts. In that case, if the pain irregular, they can appear due to lower pain threshold, which was due to psychological or physical stress.

Pain during menstruation is certainly painful. And to somehow get rid of them, we take painkillers, and like feel much better. But after a month, and everything is repeated. No wonder, because with the help of painkillers we remove the pain, but it does not eliminate the cause. So before you take pills, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor and make sure that the pain is not the result of a disease. If the disease is detected, and the pain caused by the incorrect position of the uterus or some other reasons, you should try to reduce them, without using drugs.

This, for example, can be hot foot bath and a diet low in fat and sugar. Helpreduce pain during menstruation tea raspberry and mint, alternating warm and cool sitz baths, complexes of physical exercises. If the pain does not stop and do not decrease, it is possible to take painkillers such as no-spa, analgin, aspirin, solpadein ibuprofen. Soreness usually disappear over time in women taking birth control pills regularly. Help reduce pain chocolate and bananas. In general, universal means to reduce pain, in this case, no. Each of us chooses the most appropriate in a given situation, way.

In short, do not harass yourself, stoically maintainingpain with menstruation- They are not something inevitable and necessary. And the pain themselves, and their constant expectation of very severe for the psyche, and health, and relationships with others. Therefore, we should strive to get rid of them in the first place, of course, consult your doctor. This will exclude or confirm the presence of a disease and help you choose the method of anesthesia.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: temperature, ovary, stomach, tablet, exercise, head, treatment, tumor, loin, menstruation, aspirin, a drug stimulation, aromatherapy, sacrum, chills, fainting