High temperatures in the adult. What to do?

High temperatures in the adult. What to do?
 High body temperature - is not uncommon. It usually scares us, and we rush or for medical care, and all the forces trying to reduce its own. However, the high temperature of an adult to a certain its value is not something life-threatening, and hurry it is not necessary to bring down. On the contrary, an increase in temperature may indicate the effective functioning of the immune system, and this fact can not but rejoice. How do you determine when this increase should cause excessive anxiety, and when - no? About the cases in which the temperature can be raised, why this is happening, when and how it should knock down, tells his readers online magazine JustLady.

The reasons for the high temperature

The high temperature at the small child is much more dangerous than the high temperature in adults - the immune system more kids just being formed, and it still can not normally respond to any negative external influences. As for the high temperature in adults, here the situation is somewhat different. The mechanism of immunity adult adjusted, so it is able to control all the processes occurring in the body, and "include" certain indicators of its state in accordance with developments in the body changes.

Why isfever in adults human? The reasons for this are many. The temperature may rise due to the presence in the organism of bacterial and viral infections, allergy, inflammatory processes in the tissues and joints, under the action of the natural hormone, in infarcts, hemorrhages and so on. In any case, high temperature itself is not from a disease, as an indicator of immune response for some violation.

In general, doctors believe that an increase in body temperature - a favorable factor, indicating the body's ability to withstand the corrosive effects of various aggressive factors. The high temperature kills many viruses and prevents them from fully reproduce and accelerates the synthesis of interferon significantly strengthen our immunity. Thus, during normal functioning of the immune system of a high temperature is a good indication of the potential health adult. If there is clear evidence of a weakened immune system due to age, receiving some drugs, operations, chemotherapy and other things, an increase in temperature has to be regarded as something out of the ordinary.

In other cases, high temperature, the value of which barely exceeded 38º C, is not a cause for medical emergencies. Cause it to be, when the body temperature rises above 39, 5 ° C. If she jumped to 41ºS, to help physicians should be treated without delay - at this level of temperature indicators can go into convulsions. And after the mercury in the thermometer scale has reached a critical figure 42, very fast, irreversible damage to the brain functions, and then the presence of doctors is becoming a matter of life and death. Howevertemperature in adults very rarely reaches this level. Anyway, such infectious diseases are not generally encountered.

High temperatures in the adult. What to do?

How to bring down the heat

Of course, the heat transfer is rather difficult, however, as we have seen, it should knock down only in extreme cases.How to bring down the heat the most accessible ways? Before use all sorts of antipyretics should try to cool. In the first place, it should be possible to drink more liquid - its amount in the body, the temperature rises considerably reduced, which causes dehydration. A dewatering, in turn, leads to a further increase in temperature. You can drink juices, mineral water, tea, - anything, as long as this is the maximum normalized body's water balance. Very good in this respect, hot tea or juice with honey, lemon, raspberry and currant. If after he is drunk, on the forehead of the sick person acts perspiration, thus, the temperature began to drop.

However, this is not enough to the mercury after some time again climbed up. In this case, the patient, it completely stripped, you can rub vodka, alcohol or cologne and after a while it does not cover the blanket and not to wear. He, of course, freeze, but should not be afraid of it. This method of reducing the temperature is very effective and completely safe - it has long been successfully used in many clinics.

Another good way to reduce the temperature - enema filled with a solution of powder antipyretic and half a glass of boiled water. This procedure is somewhat unpleasant, but this is the best and fastest way to reduce the very high temperature when it is held for a long time.

As for the antipyretic drugs, then to their aid should be handled only when absolutely necessary. Their choice is now large enough, the most popular and also well-established are paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen. Drink these pills should be cautious - they impair blood clotting and in some cases can cause bleeding. In addition, aspirin can not be used for those suffering digestive tract diseases, as it irritates the mucous membranes and may cause aggravation of these diseases.

If the fever lasts for three days above 38 ° C and is not accompanied by a cough, runny nose, sore throat and other, pronounced symptoms of the disease will require a thorough examination of experts. The reason for this situation may be pneumonia, pyelonephritis, or some other dangerous disease that requires treatment for reception of antibiotics.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: temperature, Ambassador, runny nose, cough, cold, virus, raising, allergies, bronchitis, tablet, pants, adult, infection, screening, drug, symptom, symptom reduction, day, Allergy