Heel spur - treatment of folk remedies

Heel spur - treatment of folk remedies
 Calcaneal spur belongs to the category of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and is characterized by severe pain in the heel and the inability to fully step on the injured leg. According to medical studies suffer from this disease mostly women, they make up 80% of all patients. The topic of this article - the national treatment of heel spurs. Women's Site JustLady describe in detail how you can ease the pain and cope with this disease.

The main symptom that determines the presence of the disease - a sharp pain in the heel, comparable to those as if stepping on a nail or needle. In principle, this is so because, heel spurs - it outgrowth as a spike. The main causes that trigger the growth of heel spurs, may be different in each case. For some, this disease develops due to flat feet, others - is the result of infectious diseases. Height of heel spurs can be triggered by traumatization of the calcaneus, overweight is an additional factor aggravating the situation. Hurts not the heel spurs, pain creates inflammation that develops in the plantar aponeurosis, the injured heel spur.People's treatment of heel spurs in most cases, and relieves pain relief.

The presence of spurs does not necessarily mean disease. Sometimes it shows up on an X-ray of a person who has never experienced discomfort and pain. In this case, the presence of outgrowth caused anatomical individuality of the person and explained by the peculiarities of its metabolism.

Determined heel spurs easy and does not require complicated tools for diagnosis. A person experiences severe pain in the heel specific area to confirm the diagnosis is an X-ray and the patient treated appropriately. Launched form requires surgical intervention, but in the early stages, you can use conservative treatment to reduce inflammation and swelling of soft tissues. If you haveheel spurs, treatment of folk remedies certainly help, important not to start the process and to be persistent in his desire to conquer disease.

Heel spur - treatment of folk remedies

People's treatment of heel spurs - a rapid method

If the pain does not have a chronic nature and occurred very recently, you can use this method of treatment.

• Give up on time from uncomfortable shoes, slippers, moccasins and high heel shoes. Worn throughout the time of treatment need comfortable shoes with arch support in shoes or put a special insole with a recess under the heel spike.
• Every 2-3 hours lubricate the sick area of ​​the foot warming balm or ointment. Perfect body balm "Golden mustache with cinquefoil" or ointment on the basis of bee venom.
People's treatment of heel spurs includes a number of light physical exercises to help develop a bad leg. Walk around the room on the first sock, and then on the inner side of the foot, and then on the outside. Not peretruzhdaetsya leg, the load should be moderate.

Heel spurs: the treatment of chronic forms of folk remedies

If your illness has already moved into a chronic form, try not to burden their feet unnecessarily. The disease is inflammatory in nature and, therefore, its treatment must be approached comprehensively. Tempered, do exercises and make sure to complete examination of the body. Provoke heel spurs are different factors for effective treatment is necessary to establish the root cause.

AsPeople's treatment of heel spurs recommended warm foot baths, compresses and massage, do exercises that strengthen the muscles of the foot, lower leg and the foot. If the pain becomes unbearable, you must comply with bed rest.

Foot baths and compresses

Mix 1 tbsp. spoon sunflower oil with 50 g of ammonia. Moisten a cotton cloth in the solution and put it on the sore spot. Take daily for 1-2 months.

Mash 1 pill dipyrone and mix with a small amount of iodine. Cotton swab, apply the resulting solution to the heel, repeat as needed.

In a water bath solution of 5 g and 100 g mummy honey, cool. Rub the mixture overnight in the affected area.

Tie the heel mug or plantain, you can pour in a sock pepper. Plantain and burdock remove inflammation and pepper warms the affected area.

People's treatment of heel spurs offers another means, perfectly relieves inflammation. Make a foot bath: Mix a glass of his own urine with 0, 5 liters of warm water. Keep the injured leg in the solution for 20 min., Then pat and put on warm socks.

You can do foot baths, adding salt to the water - 3 tbsp. tablespoons per gallon of water. Soak your feet in hot saline solution for half an hour, then wipe and wear wool socks.

If you suffer fromheel spurs, treatment of folk remedies includes even such a way: mince black radish, apply the mixture on the night to the affected area. The effect is usually visible after 3 treatments.

People's treatment of heel spurs using tinctures

Tincture of lilac
Dried flowers of lilac - 1 part vodka - 10 pieces, pour, give infusions for 10 days, strain. Teaspoon of the resulting mixture diluted with a little water and take 2 times a day, as well as to rub the sore spot.

Tincture of marsh cinquefoil
Sold as a finished product at the pharmacy. You must take the drug before meals 3 times a day, diluted with 1 tbsp. spoon a small amount of cold water.

Tincture of pine nuts
20 g of crushed pine nuts pour 200 grams of vodka and let it brew for 7-8 days. Drink a tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.

If you suffer fromheel spurs, treatment of folk remedies will help ease the pain and remove the acuteness of the disease. If the pain persists, you should consult with your doctor, do not bring the disease to a chronic stage.

Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: heel, photos, sole, illness, treatment method, inflammation, outgrowth