How to learn to paint your nails

How to learn to paint your nails
 Manicure - is an art. a wizard that performs it - a true magician. After all, only need one drop of varnish slightly more than is necessary, to the side, and all - work can start again. But do not think that beautiful manicure can only do a professional. You can easily cope with this problem on their own, if you know how to properly paint your nails.
 To nail went smoothly and please you long color, you need to carefully prepare your hands. Make manicure - cut all burrs, remove excess sagging skin around the nail, cuticle and make love to grease your hands with a special cream. Then you need to go directly to the stain.

Degrease the nails. To do this well suited nail polish remover. Just do not put it too much on a cotton pad - just enough a couple of drops. Then apply to the nail plate special protective and tonic. It will help you prepare your nails to spray lacquer to protect them and prevent yellowing. Give a little dry basis.

Can start coloring. To do this, enter the brush on the nail so that it was too much. Hold the brush on a little weight, wait until it will form small droplets. Then start to put it on the nails. To do this, let a drop fall on the nail - naturally from a short distance. And begin to paint the nail, using clear strokes.

The first movement of the base of the nail slightly away from the edge of the brush lead a small inverted "L" so that the paint over the entire side of the nail, but the skin around it does not hurt. Even more accurate smear brush swipe between. Then repeat the first step on the other side of the nail. This way you can paint over the whole plate evenly and will not allow the spreading means.

Proceed to apply a second coat of varnish. Firstly, it will greatly enhance the color of the coating. Second, make it more dense and solid. Once finished to paint, immediately begin to apply a fixing agent. It is necessary to secure the effect of the coating to protect against scratches and damage.

If desired, the top may also cause drying. it will help the polish dry faster and significantly reduce the time manicure. Also in the line means there is one that is already painted nails gives the effect of humidity. And this, in turn, looks very ennobles them.

The paint dries, carefully inspect your hands. If you have seen that somewhere accidentally hit nail on the skin, erase the. For this you need a special pencil for correction manicure or usual to remove the cuticle stick, wrapped with a thin layer of cotton wool and soaked in nail polish remover. Only wash very carefully. If you accidentally get on the nail itself and spoil varnish, it will have to repaint again.

Tags: nail varnish, stain