
 Your manicure can only envy - beautiful well-groomed nogotochki (the result of painstaking work manicurists) the correct form, strong, shiny and long. Only one item you constantly worried. No matter how you try to take care of them, whence do these terrible burrs. And because you are saving your hands and put on gloves when doing homework. Why are these pieces of skin appear with such annoying regularity? This issue offers readers to consider women's magazine JustLady.

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Unfortunately,burrs appear not only in those who are not particularly attentive to his hands. Often the cause of the trouble can be an ordinary paper work. If you have the whole day working with documents,burrs may become your constant companions. The fact is that most nail skin is very dry. It dries faster if you messing with chemical liquids, paper and things like that, which is literally taken from your fingers needed fat.

They may not particularly bother you while you something that is not acting will touch a piece of skin. And here begins the most unpleasant: leather leaves, there is blood, wound ached terribly. Even worse if it gets an infection, there is not far to the abscess. And amass trouble in this case is very easy.

It is understood that whenburr there, we want to get rid of it quickly, and if the hand is not special tweezers, the course is everything. Someone mercilessly tears bored triangle, someone tries to cut stationery scissors dubious cleanliness. Still others costing own teeth - and, truth be easy? Chewed off - and order!

This practice should be abandoned. If you have touchedburrAnd he strongly ruptured, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. But before you start the operation, at least hold hands a few minutes in warm water. This will help soften the skin and cut the burrs carefully. If you cut a solid piece of skin, we can further deepen the wound.


Also try to find smaller shears and wipe them even cologne
if nothing else at hand. Do not try to remove the burr at the root - just cut off the tip.

If you can not find a suitable tool and disinfectant, it is better to play it safe. Much easier to find a piece of plaster, which can glue molestingburrThat he would not cling, and you can remove it later in a more suitable environment.

If you are at home, then it makes sense to pay more attention to the procedure. Namely, first to make a tray of water and a few drops of any oil and to hold the fingers in it for 10 minutes. After thatcut burrs tweezers or nail scissors, previously disinfected with alcohol.

Ifburrs pestering you constantly pay attention to the hand cream that you use. Better to buy nourishing and moisturizing creams for hands and nails, and be sure to lubricate their fingertips and the cuticle area. You can even make the night similarity compress. Well lubricated fingers emollient cream, wrap the case withburr a piece of polyethylene and fasten the top bandage or plaster. If you do so at night, by morning burr softened and it will be easier to remove.

If your work involves letters and documents, other things that can cause the formation ofburr, Train yourself to regularly care for the cuticle. First, when doing manicure, careful not to damage the skin roller. Secondly, if you are accustomed to using special formulations to soften cuticles, do it every time, and only when necessary, ie when the cuticle is really too dry.

If you are abused by such means, they can easily cause burrs. The fact that some of the chemicals contained in such forms, the skin can literally eat away. So use rarely apply for a short time, and in any case does not go beyond the cuticle.

And best of all to soften the skin around the nails to use ordinary oil or natural moisturizing lotions. If rubbed their finger tips to daily, thus providing additional moisture and nutrition, theburrs you probably will not get any. Particularly useful such agents to the skin rubbed in preheated form.

Also good results are obtained by using gloves that must be worn at night lubricated hand cream or oil. If you do not have these, then use ordinary cotton, like business.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: burr