How to strengthen your nails at home

How to strengthen your nails at home
 Beautiful, well-groomed hands - is a decoration of any woman. Unfortunately, the current state of the environment, daily chores and meals have a negative effect on the nails, making them layer brittle and weak. There are some simple ways to help get rid of this trouble, and strengthen your nails at home.
 A great way to strengthen your nails at home are different trays. Good action has a bath with sea salt. For its preparation pour into a small container a little warm water and add one teaspoon of sea salt. Dip your hands and hold them in this solution for 15 minutes. Then rinse your hands with warm water and apply a special nail nourishing cream.

Nail care can be carried out paraffin therapy. Take a piece of wax, melt it in a water bath, and pre-smeared hands greasy cream, repeatedly dip hands in melted paraffin. After that, put your hands on plastic gloves and wrap them in a towel for 15 minutes.

Will help strengthen your nails with a soft toothbrush massage. Apply a small amount of baby soap and massage your nails in a circular motion. After the procedure, wash with soap and lubricate the cuticle area with a special oil. Then take a pusher (spatula) or a wooden stick and spread nails cream.

Effective influence on nails have different packs with oils. The most well-regarded wrap with olive oil. Before going to bed, apply a few drops of oil on the nails, gently massage, put on cotton gloves and go to bed. Perform this procedure no more than twice a week.

Good Nail Care nutrients are based on beeswax. They contribute to the bonding of laminated nail scales, which in turn strengthens the nail.

Do your homework in rubber gloves to avoid hand contact with detergents.

Make your nails neat and go to the edging manicure. Every day, after washing your hands shifts the inner lining, and soon it will cease to accrue on the nail.

To strengthen nails and enhance their growth, use lemon juice. The fruit has many beneficial vitamins that help your nails become stronger. Cut lemon into two halves, push the nails into the flesh and hold them there for a while. After that, rinse your hands with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Remember that the condition of your nails depends on the state of the organism as a whole, so try to take all the necessary vitamins and eat right. In addition, to spend more time caring for the nails, and in gratitude for this, they will become stronger and more beautiful.

Tags: house, home, condition, nail, fashion, care, strengthening