How quickly repaint nails

How quickly repaint nails
 There are times when an urgent need to re-paint your nails the color of the new outfit, but time is very short. In such cases, some prefer to opt out of the lacquer, polished nails on the run, but the risk is still possible. Perfect for a five-minute manicure - fast drying, but how quickly repainted the nails if you have only conventional varnishes?

To save time when repainting nails, take your time. There is no contradiction. The more you rush, the higher the probability that the nail will fall unevenly and inaccurately, gets on the cuticle or skin around the edges of the nail. If the light varnish is still possible to somehow remove the skin nail file until it is dry, then in the case of bright or dark varnishes have to carefully remove all the defects corrector manicure or nail polish remover. This revision will take more time than allotted for repainting nails.

If you often repaint nails, it makes sense to think about buying a special lamp, with which the master dried nail salons. These lamps are sold in departments with professional tools for nail design. This lamp is suitable not only for drying artificial nails, nail polish on natural nails with it dries in minutes.

When pressed for time, you can cover the nails with only one layer of varnish. For the "single-walled masterpieces" better to choose light colors paints with a lot of dye particles. Experiments with dark and bright colors of lacquer does not always lead to satisfactory results, as it all depends on the quality of the brush. An indispensable condition for any varnish - a good brush. It should be soft so as not to leave behind streaks on the nail plate.

No matter how many layers of lacquer you may overlap, make sure that each layer of varnish was applied evenly. If you paint your nails in a single layer, try to put on the nail plate slightly more lacquer than usual (but do not overdo it). This "sealed" layer will dry a little longer, but the color is more saturated. When repainting nail varnish two layers are superimposed thin layers. Causing one layer, wait a minute or two, give a little varnish to dry and then apply a second coat. Firstly, because the lacquer is kept longer, secondly, dry faster.

Use proven by millions of women ways for fast drying lacquer. Lower fingertips for five minutes in a container of cold water or ice cubes. Can you hold your fingers under cold running water. Dry lacquer cool air jet dryer or any appliance, blown air. Special fixing compositions also help complete repainting faster.

Tags: manicure, nail