The main advantage of hardware pedicure is that it is done on dry skin, feet in the water and you do not have to "soak". You'll just have to lubricate the special softening calluses or corns staff if you have one.
But this procedure has its subtlety: for 20 minutes before it began well you should wash the feet, clean the nails from the nail, and then dry very well. If the moisture in the skin or nails continues, the abrasive nozzle will not be able to cope well with their task. In addition, possible heating nails or skin and as a result - the painful sensation. Yes, and can quickly become clogged nozzles wet "material" that will lead them into disrepair.
Lubrication stop and cuticle softener is also an advantage of this technology. Softened only coarsened and dead skin cells. It is they who in the course of subsequent processing and removed, but a normal, live skin is not damaged.
So first, you are preparing for a field of activity: shooting with nails old varnish and softens rough patches. Then, using the wheels, with a spraying nozzle different abrasives (coarse, medium and fine) remove the softened layer of the skin. Raises special wand cuticle, processes it, and the excess skin around the nails conical nozzle. Disks with different sputtering process the nails, giving them the desired shape, clean and polish them to a shine. It remains only to cover the nail varnish.
After the procedure can do foot massage and lubricate them nourishing cream.
Perhaps at one time you can not completely get rid of rough skin; it all depends on how much running the condition of your feet. But the next time you will surely get a greater effect. Subsequently, you will need to spend less and less pedicure because dead cells will be gradually removed and intact tissues do not need a fast recovery.
Finally, it should be noted the advantages of hardware pedicure, as a successful treatment of thickened nails, ingrown nails and straightening all reflexology massage (and they are many) on your foot.