The main treatments for ingrown nails are changing the shape of the nail plate with a special fixation (mechanical method), the shrinkage of the material and surgery.
At the first stage to eliminate ingrown nail easily enough. Typically, the onset of the disease begins with a light redness and gently pain in the nail plate. To correct the direction of nail growth is required to choose comfortable shoes that will not put pressure on your toes. Absolutely contraindicated short crop nail and leave sharp edges, as this condition worsens and leads to further deformation.
To remove the pain, you can apply different baths (with salt or potassium permanganate furatsilinom) because they are able to reduce inflammation and reduce swelling. To prevent infection it is advisable to use the ointment containing antibiotics (strictly prescribed by a doctor).
Surgical intervention is required in advanced disease, when there were not only skin inflammation, pus formation and under the nail plate. Typically, when the operation is necessary to break the germ area of the nail, which further leads to the formation of irregular plates.
Special plates for self-extension of the nail plate is affixed directly to the affected nail. As a rule, they do not interfere with a person to lead an active lifestyle at the expense of small size.
The most popular way to deal with ingrown toenails is laser surgery. The goal - the removal of the deformed part of the nail and the source of inflammation. After that significantly decreases the risk of re-growth.