That they did not break, it would be best, if possible, make them polukvadratnymi or oval, but not triangular. However, much depends on what form of nails was originally. For example, an oval or circular flat marigolds can be shaped. For example, more or making them rounded triangular or square. But the oval and round convex - only square.
Adjusting the nails, you can hide some flaws and shape of hands. Plump handles will look much more elegant if nails are rounded and relatively short, but in any case not square. Girls with thin and long fingers should not be visually increase them, increasing the nails or making them sharpened. It is best if they are oval.
Trimming of nails, you can use nail scissors or a universal sawing with different types of surfaces. But scissors should be used with caution, clipping nails into small pieces to prevent their separation. Much easier to trim your nails using a nail file (better - ceramic, glass or sand to prevent damage to their structure), and only in one direction. Saw blade must be kept at a slight angle and keep it in one long sweep of - from each edge to the middle. In order not to weaken the nail and avoid broken or cracked, it is not necessary to file its sides. After it is processed, it is necessary to polish it out of the corner.
In order to give the desired shape nails should not be too fiercely sawing work. Any unevenness can be eliminated with the help of a few strokes, having the corresponding surface of from 5 to 10 times in the same place.