Recognize the actions of a man who has decided to end the relationship with a woman, is quite difficult. Especially when you do still love, and in front of "rose-colored glasses." Then all the deceptions and betrayals on the part of the young man perceived as temporary, passing. However, in most cases, it is not. And the longer a woman in love will turn a blind eye to these alarm bells, the harder and harder to survive the separation in the future.
In the case when a man wants to make it clear to the woman that she is no longer needed, it all starts in the normal way. First, he ceases to call first. Then he stopped responding to calls and sms, referring to employment, and sometimes just hangs up the phone. All questions as to why he did this, usually invented silly excuses: "the battery is low," "where the phone does not catch", "heard the call," "did not come sms", etc. If this is a single case, it may indeed be that "the battery is low." But if it happens every day - this is a serious reason to think, and everything was in order in the relationship.
Joint trips to friends, shopping, restaurants are becoming increasingly rare. During the time together on the phone young man comes strange calls, to which he answers in monosyllables, turning and lowering his voice. On the question of who called - says that a work colleague, a friend, a relative. Usually it turns out later that called his new friend, who has no idea that the man is paired and rest assured that he is - a free man and ready for a new relationship.
Next is on the rise - you cease to hold together evenings and weekends. The young man starts all hands on deck at work, all my friends are in urgent need of his assistance, mother and grandmother require his immediate presence in the country. All these activities he attends in splendid isolation, leaving you bored at home by the window. And if the court long winter, and the man still cultivates the beds in the country, believe me, he had found himself a lesson more interesting, just forgot to tell you about it.
But you still have a meeting with you so beloved man. And instead of the joy of meeting you, he demonstrates the cold aloofness, constantly glancing at his watch, as - as if somewhere in a hurry. To your questions about the future relations responds vaguely, away from direct conversation. Facilitate the participation of this zavralsya friend. Suggest to leave first. And you will see, with some relief, he would agree. Yes, it will be hard for you, but believe me, the sooner you stop these came to nothing lead the relationship, the more likely you will meet a man who will appreciate and respect you.
And most importantly, always remember that you are the most beautiful, kind, considerate, but in general the best woman on the planet Earth. Love yourself and the value, and then next to you is bound to be the best man.