How to determine the size of the gloves

How to determine the size of the gloves
 It just so happened that the gloves are an essential wardrobe item. They warm palm on days when it's cool, and serve as a stylish addition to an evening dress or suit. But in order to properly select this accessory, it is important to be clear about how to determine the size of the gloves according to different metric standards.
 When selecting gloves is important to know your size. Its definition can not be an issue, if you make a purchase at the mall, where you can personally remeasure the various options. Another thing - the online shop. It has no physical contact with the acquired thing, and when you select an incorrect size will have to return the goods back, or wait for the new party.

How to determine the size of the gloves in French inches

So, to get a model that will sit perfectly in the palm, it is important to consider a few things. Dimensions gloves traditionally specified in the French inches. At home, it can be found using conventional tape measures. To determine the size of the glove, palm must smerit volume at its widest part. That is, the tape must bow area of ​​the little finger and index finger up at a little bent palm.

This result divide by 2, 71 and round the final figure to 0, 5. Be careful not to measure the girth of the palm measuring tape with inch graduations - these marks correspond to the British metric system.

The dimensions of the gloves may be specified in accordance with the European system, Russian or French. Type of marking depends on the country of manufacture of the accessory.

A few tips for choosing gloves

It should be remembered that women's gloves are available in a range of sizes from 16 th (XS) and up to the 23rd (XL, X) numbers, while the men - from the 20th to the 27th. When buying, choose options insulated gloves on the size of a quarter more. In this case, they will last longer and will sit on the hand better.

Trying gloves, or pull them over the cuff - it will lead to tension and damage the product. Wear them need to turn 4, and only then on the fifth thumb while turning podolik. If you did everything correctly, the glove should not remain folds.

Tags: size, glove, definition, Signet