Chains, necklaces, necklaces: select jewelry for the neck

Chains, necklaces, necklaces: select jewelry for the neck
 It would seem that so special about jewelry? The main thing that they are more or less combined with clothing and style, and the rest does not matter. However, they have many functions - emphasize the advantages complement the image, set off personality. Choose should be based on the woman's age, choose clothes and cases.

Selected decoration speaks for the owner of many things: the ability to create an image on the social situation, the current mood of the preferences and tastes. But that choice was correct, it is necessary to consider some nuances.

Structural features of the neck will be an important factor in the selection of jewelry. For example, for general and complete neck perfect massive long beads, chains or necklaces length of 45 cm or more, as well as massive pendants. And owners of a long thin neck should look to short chains or small beads.

With age, the neck skin aging, it is also necessary to consider when choosing jewelry. And the older the woman, the larger and more massive long kinds of ornaments for the neck is recommended to choose. They will be able to divert attention from the shortcomings.

Young girls is perfect for a small chain with a pendant or necklace-type "collar." He looks very stylish, emphasizing the youthfulness of the skin.

Choosing the length of the chain, it is necessary to take into account as well, and clothing, which is planned to wear jewelry.

The length of 40-50 cm is universal and will fit almost any occasion and clothing. The exception is the line along with high collar.

Length up to 70 cm is also a universal, but keep in mind one feature. Such decorations end in the middle of the chest, so the level of the cut clothes should not be on the same level.

Length up to 90 cm is perfect for evening dresses with high necklines.

Fashion trends

Today it is fashionable to wear jewelry original form, as well as large and bright. In this case, the clothes must be monochromatic. Optimally will look white and black colors.

It is worth paying attention to the decoration in the ethnic style. They may consist of fragments of various sizes, from a variety of materials and colorful with bright colors. Experiment with style, but remember one rule - never combine precious metals jewelry.

Tags: neck, necklace, jewelry, chain