Another very important truth is that the transverse line is cut in half and shape visually thicken it, and longitudinal - lengthen. This means, for example, that a wide belt at the lanky figure will look very appropriate, while on a short he will produce unpleasant impression. But a long line of decorative buttons or a long string of beads, on the contrary, will correct a short piece for the better.
When choosing accessories to consider and body proportions. The law here is that for a slim figure used narrow bags and large figures require large bulky bags and jewelry.
How exactly does apply different accessories for correction? Here are some tips.
Low Growth: give preference to long beads or chains, long scarves and bags on a long strap.
High growth: use a wide belt and a beautiful short beads.
Short neck: long beads are particularly suitable, you can, in two rows, medium chain and long scarves, and massive short beads, necklaces and long big earrings unacceptable.
Long Neck: good looks interesting volume scarf or brooch on the collar. In no case can not use thin beads and pendants.
Narrow and sloping shoulders look great big patterns and designs on the scarf, solid beads. Wear a belt at the waist.
Broad shoulders: long beads and scarves distract attention from the width of the shoulders.
Big breasts: Need necklace and long necklaces, long earrings, small chains, pendants and so on. Did not look.
Small breasts: fit large necklaces and beads.
Weakly expressed waist and narrow hips: give the right accent belt buckle with a massive relief.
Wide waist and massive thighs: trim figure, highlighting its top large beads; belt wear is not necessary.
Hands full: select thin bangles on her wrist.
Long thin hands look gloves with high collar, long gloves with cuff in the form of "bunching", watches and bracelets wide.
Using these little secrets of accessories can be as close as possible to the ideal of any imperfect figure.