Tyrannical attitude towards their children, perhaps motivated by the best impulses. Mother wants to influence the traits of children. In this case, it is not considered their opinion, imposing their worldview. She believes that her view of things and the only correct option does not exist. Unopposed, the mother begins to reign supreme over their children.
Mother tyrant determines the behavior and actions of children around. She decides what they wear, what to do, where to go and make friends with anyone. It controls the lives of their children, not giving them the right to make independent decisions. Mother stifles initiative of children, no matter what else matters. As an option - children grow up in a family lack of initiative, they can not alone solve the problem completely dependent on their parents. They get used to the fact that for them all and always solves my mother, so they see no need in an effort to achieve some goal. Left without it, they are lost in life, unable to adapt to it. Unfortunately, that are accustomed to be led by such people can get under the negative impact that may sadly for them to end.
Also, there is another option results of such education. Manifestation of children protest against the tyranny of the mother may lead to rupture of relations between them. Escaped from her custody, children begin to master their environment independently. They have to learn anew behavior in a given situation, learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them. It is possible that later, when they have children of their own, they will take into their family pattern of behavior of his mother. Thus, they will take revenge for the lack of independence in childhood samoutverzhdayas at the expense of their children.