The first signs of toxicity - the rejection of odors, morning sickness, because of which you will not be able to climb out of bed, strong salivation, drowsiness and weakness throughout the body, loss of appetite. Among the causes of toxicity doctors call increase levels of the hormone estrogen, decreased immunity and heredity. Begins early toxicosis usually 5-6 weeks and lasts until about 12 weeks of pregnancy. Severe cases require flow toxicosis supervision of a physician.
How can alleviate the condition of the pregnant during toxicosis? To feel better, you now need to fully relax. Sleep at least 8-10 hours. Every day, be sure to walk in the fresh air for at least 1 hour. To prevent morning sickness, immediately after waking up, eat something that is not too heavy - crackers, cookies, crackers, egg, a slice of cheese or dried apple.
During the day, try snacking more often. Eat slowly and those products for which you do not have a negative reaction, yogurts, nuts, dried fruit. Try to stick to proper diet: more plant foods and cereals, avoid fatty meats, smoked, spicy and salty foods. And remember, you are sick of those products that you now contraindicated - so the body takes care of the health of your baby.
Ask relatives and husband in this period did not use perfume, do not cook rapidly and specifically smelling dishes, and in any case not to smoke in your presence.
As for the food, try to stick to the advice of doctors. For example, if you've tried not to mix proteins and carbohydrates, but now we need to forget about this rule. This combination will give you energy for daily activities.
Eat more liquid - milk, juice, pure water, herbal teas. To cope with the manifestations of toxicity will help tea with chamomile, lemon balm, mint or ginger. However, if you have already appeared swelling, about the permissible daily amount of fluid you need to consult a doctor.
Well let up nausea during pregnancy sour dried fruits, juices and fruits - oranges, tangerines, green apples. Do not be afraid to eat them, but follow one rule - everything should be in moderation!