American professor Aaron Wichman, who works at the University of Ohio, refutes the common opinion that the fate of a person depends on how the account he was born in the family. Scientists believe that no date of birth is building the fate of the first-born, and something else.
Professor interviewed more than three thousand families, according to a survey, he found that children born in the family first, have a very high IQ, can not be said about the younger children.
However, the learned professor did not stop on the study of intelligence between younger and older children in the family. He also studied the IQ level of mothers. Professor took into account the age of the woman, and at the time of birth. Aaron Wichman was able to find out what the child's intelligence does not depend on the order of birth in the family, and from intelligence and maternal age.
The first fact that established Wichmann, is that if a woman gives birth at an early age, the level of intelligence of her child will be very low. The older woman at the time of birth, the higher the level of intelligence will be her child. Another important fact much: a child's intelligence depends only on the mother, it does not matter how clever father crumbs. Following the discovery of professors have smart women are born and then grow clever kids.
According to scientists, too, young women who have no education and well-paid job, can not provide the correct and educate the child, that too much important for the healthy development of the child.
Thus, following the results of the research scientist, if the mother wants the child was a high level of intelligence and achieved great heights, to be born as late as possible, having a good base in the form of stable operation and high level of IQ mothers give birth additional guarantees smart kid.
We should remember that the way in which the child will grow, as well as what it will be in the future, which will reach depends only on the parents, and most of them from the mother, because in her womb begins development of the baby.