Children close and clear the proposed game form. Through the game they can express all that can not yet be described in words. Free baby doll with shame and embarrassment. Toys are allowed to do wrong, reprehensible actions, because the child will not be punished for the misdeeds puppet.
In fact kukloterapiyu can be represented as an adult chat with the child through the intermediary doll. Classes can be individually and in groups. Depending on the complexity and emotional intensity of the situation played out in small sketches, mini-performances or performances to the public. The child becomes an actor, director and screenwriter of puppetry. Adults take the position of the active observer, as appropriate corrective happening.
Question props solved quite simply. Kukloterapii suitable for almost any familiar children's toys. However, the most comfortable for the child at an early stage will be the presence of the screen. Her baby can hide, hide his embarrassment and uncertainty, stay a while alone.
Classes with preschoolers should be built in a specific pattern. In the beginning it is important to adjust the child to positive activities available to explain in words the essence and necessity of the upcoming. When the group kukloterapii adult should carefully make the distribution of roles, given the characteristics of children. Then there is the actual harping theme.
The main role in the play belongs to the fictional characters. However, their behavior reflects the real position of the child in the given situation. A child under the supervision of an adult finds flaws of character and helps him improve. Thus, unobtrusively children given a positive model of behavior.
At the end takes stock of fixed images behavioral and emotional reactions. The total duration should not exceed 15-20 minutes at the individual form and 30 minutes - with the group.
Sessions kukloterapii for preschoolers can be done at home if parents will recognize the seriousness of the game. Making the company your child in games, parents, at least, will increase the level of trust in adults. The main thing - to avoid moralizing tone and categorical ratings.