Dissatisfaction with himself and his body often produces anorexia. It - is akin to addiction. Losing pounds or so, the girl was not able to stop, and continues to lose weight, to bring themselves to a state of complete exhaustion. Other dissatisfied with their appearance teenagers transform your body into a canvas on which experts tattoo parlors create a whole picture. Third - pierce themselves in the most unimaginable places. The last two passions are dangerous because during procedures in semi-underground salons teenager can get anything. In addition, a person so much out from the crowd, may attract the attention of aggressive and inappropriate people.
Loneliness often forces teens to join any group, united by a common idea. Now there are many subcultures - goths, emo, hippies, skinheads. In addition, there are football fans, and many other Tolkienists. Any teenager can optionally find yourself something that will be closer to him. Not always so dangerous hobbies, it depends on how adequate the members of this group. But most of all, a subculture is still fraught with danger. And not just because others do not understand, but also because the teenager "lose" themselves, their individuality. In addition, some subcultures can call on to something dangerous - suicide, for example, or the murder of someone who is different from you, and so on.d. Motivated by the desire to be like everyone else, young people almost always make stupid and dangerous things. An example would be popular among them unprotected sex, which at best leads to pregnancy, and at worst - to infection and AIDS, hepatitis C, and so on.d.
But nothing gives rise to such a large number of dangerous craze among teenagers, as the desire to constantly get a thrill. This need is part of the reason described above and have hobbies. And it leads to the emergence of drug addiction, gambling and love to the extreme. The latter two hobbies, too, in fact, is an addiction, only adrenaline. What causes these "mania," everyone knows. And in order to help a teenager get rid of this dangerous dependence is likely to have to see a specialist.
How can you help a teenager avoid these dangerous hobbies? The answer is simple - eliminate the causes. But this is not so easy. Pay more attention to the teenager, find common interesting activities - fishing, hiking, etc. Instills confidence in him - and then he will never be alone.