Unlike deodorants antiperspirants from

Unlike deodorants antiperspirants from
 The fight against excessive sweating and bad smell was the cause of deodorants and antiperspirants. The principle of operation is similar - they eliminate the pungent smell of sweat. Different types of deodorizing agents require the use in different situations and solve various problems.
 The principle of operation of any deodorant - the elimination of odor, and the pot continues to stand out in the same volume. Bactericidal components deodorizing agents neutralize the activity of microorganisms, guilty in causing the smell. Cream deodorant is designed to handle the most sensitive skin. Such funds often contain antifungal components and do not leave white marks on clothing.

Talcum powder and deodorant effect is used in cases where it is necessary to reduce sweating. Dense particles clog the pores and reduce the release of the liquid, but they need to be applied only on clean, dry skin. The result - no odor and clothes sticking to the body.

Deodorants in the form of lotions and sprays often contain alcohol, they dry the skin and cause irritation. Their use should be limited. Lotions advantage is the cooling effect and disinfecting effect on the odor source.

Deodorants with perfumed aromas have disinfectant properties. Their use is justified in cases where there is no own smell of sweat, a slight exudation. The main purpose of perfumed deodorants in the change of body odor, they can not be used in open areas of the body exposed to the solar influence.

Antiperspirant aims to eliminate excessive perspiration - that their main unlike deodorants. Zinc and aluminum compounds act on the duct by blocking them and preventing release of fluid. In this part of disinfectant additives antiperspirants are not included.

The use of antiperspirants requires adherence to certain rules. You can not use them too often, only one times a day. During exercise is better replaced by antiperspirants deodorants, as duct blockage can cause swelling and inflammation. Antiperspirants are presented in the form of aerosols, creams with a solid consistency, sprays. The most popular products that combine features of both types - deodorants-perspirants.

Tags: deodorant, antiperspirant