Top 9 myths about grooming

 Today, various sources offer many wonderful tips on caring for the appearance of female beauty that is around constantly develop the most fantastic myths. On the pages of women's magazine JustLady nine most bizarre facts wrong about the means of maintaining the health and beauty of your body.

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1. Laser hair removal does not fit blond

In fact, laser removal is suitable for almost everyone. Of course, gray hair contains no pigment, so laser removal is not possible here, but blond hair is irrelevant!

2. Whitening lemon

Another myth is that a lemon - an excellent remedy for teeth whitening. Yes, lemon whitens bad, but it provokes another problem: it destroys the enamel acid. It is better to whiten your teeth baking soda diluted in water.

3. Organic Products

According to many, the skin is almost no difference whether you eat organic food or not. On the contrary, there is a myth that organic foods are bad for your face and it "spreads". Meanwhile, the skin needs natural vitamins and other substances that make it supple and youthful. Help strengthen the skin is organic food.

4. Miniature girls can not wear sexy underwear

It is a myth created by men who prefer busty girls. However, fortunately, they do not rule the world. Many companies specialize in lingerie for tiny girls, helping them look fantastic. A special bras help to visually enlarge breast size.

5. Artificial nails

There is a myth that capacity spoils nails. It is believed that artificial turf prevents them from breathing. In fact damage the nails can only incorrect removal or correction.

6. Frequent mowing speeds up hair growth

In fact the hair is growing with speed equal regardless of how often do their mowing. But, of course, regular grooming helps to remove the section of the end and make hair more healthy.

7. The cause of acne - oily skin

Sometimes it is, but most acne with oily skin does not connected. Therefore, oily skin - not an excuse for those who do not want to fight acne. The cause of acne can be, for example, are too sensitive skin.

8. Chlorine makes hair green

Greenish hair does not bleach, and copper! Sometimes hair can accumulate copper, which makes them a greenish color. This is especially true if your hair is blonde. The use of low-PH shampoo can neutralize the impact of copper.

9. legs crossed

Your mothers and grandmothers probably think that sit leg to leg - is harmful to the veins. In fact, a much greater role in the appearance of varicose veins played by heredity. If your family through the female line have varicose veins or "mesh" on the legs, then you unfortunately, they too may be.

Which of the myths you thought were true? Can fill up this list? Discuss in a review!

Tags: care, appearance, myth