Secrets of beautiful breasts

 For men, the most contentious issue is the size of a woman's breasts. Lovers of magnificent forms of Pamela Anderson or Sophia Loren never understand fans Kate Moss, charms which can be called a breast only with great reserve. However, the women themselves often do not care about breast size and shape, or rather its change with age or after pregnancy.

African braids

Did you know ...

• American doctors have proven that breast augmentation or correction of its shape can be quite ... one of your desire and willpower. In the current experiment, they participated more than 20 women, most of whom managed just three months to achieve amazing results only with the help of auto-suggestion. And no plastic surgery!

• You can "increase" or "decrease" chest and a different way. It's enough to ... learn how to choose clothes. For example, tight knit sleeveless blouse, and the associated "rubber band" visually enlarge the breasts. Same effect and wear light and bright colors, as well as with horizontal stripes. But sweaters "by the throat" free button-down shirts, clothes and dark colors with vertical stripes, on the contrary, make the breast less.

• It is known that the majority of women (about 80%) of the breasts, one slightly larger than the other. According to Canadian researchers, this asymmetry is directly connected ... to the brain. If the right breast you have more left - so you tend to think logically, and if the opposite - something in you more active creativity. By the way, according to the results of other studies creative ladies among us prevail.

• The statement that breast cancer is more common in women with large breasts, has nothing to do with reality. According to doctors the occurrence of cancer has no relation to the size and shape of the breast, and is due to heredity, hormonal disorders, frequent abortions, injuries and excessive exposure to UV rays.

Breast Care

To begin suggest you do the following simple test. Take a pencil and place it in the crease under the breast. If it falls - it means everything is fine, but if not - it is a sure sign that the breast has lost its former shape and firmness. Now put your hands up. If the pencil does not fall, and in this position ... draw your own conclusions.

What is the reason so frustrating we change? The fact that virtually devoid of our breast muscles and consists of connective tissue and fat and glands. For its appearance is "responsible" thin shell skin, which, alas, over time loses its elasticity and stretch. And the more the chest, the correspondingly greater burden falls on the skin.

Of course, each of us dreams of a perfect chest. But alas, to fight with time and force of gravity is very difficult. Therefore, the earlier you start to care for feeding, the less likely that over time the chest will not resemble the filler apple and spaniel ears. After douche, proper nutrition, exercises and cosmetics are only effective for the prevention of, and fundamentally change the shape and size of the breast is possible only with the help of surgery.

Enemies beautiful bust

Weight fluctuations
That weight gain cause excessive stretching of the skin. If these should be sharp for slimming, skin becomes loose, and it may appear streamers. If weight fluctuations occur regularly, even in a fairly young age, your breasts may permanently lose shape.

The habit of stooping
Watch the women around you and you will surely find that all are watching your posture chest, usually has a beautiful shape, and the habit of stooping - faithful companion pendulous breasts. Comment is superfluous.

The wrong bra
The main thing here - to find a middle ground. If it is too compresses the chest - this can lead to circulatory problems, but the free bra (as well as the lack thereof) certainly will cause stretching of the skin (especially when a large amount of the breast).

Hot Tubs
What hot water dries delicate skin and reduces its elasticity, you probably know. The main thing - remember this when you are going for an hour plunge into the hot tub with your favorite detective in his hands. If this without you my life just can not imagine, then at least Arrange in the bath so that the shoulders and chest were not in the water.

Ultraviolet rays
Of course, many of us dream of an even bronze tan without a trace of a swimsuit. However, it is not worth the problems that may arise from the sun lovers "topless" - burns sensitive breast skin and loss of elasticity, not to mention the increased risk of cancer.


Somehow immediately reminded once popular advice that can increase breast if there is plenty of cabbage. According to doctors the effectiveness of such a "cabbage diet" is rather questionable, since the shape and size of the breast is mainly associated with hormonal and hereditary causes, not the contents of our plates. However, they do not deny that the presence or absence in the diet necessary vitamins and minerals can affect the state of the breast. Very harmful for her unbalanced diet (including a sharp weight loss), especially if they are poor in protein (meat, fish, eggs).

Exercises for Breast

Unfortunately, the pectoral muscles do not affect the shape of the breast, so using one of gymnastics you are unlikely to get stunning results. However, some effect exercises still give, especially if you do it regularly. Particularly useful for breast specialists consider swimming as well as a variety of exercises that can be performed in the pool. Water resistance makes them more efficient, not to mention the fact that it's just very nice.

If the pool does not cause you much positive emotions, you can arrange a gym and at home watching television. A pair of small hand weights (1 kg) will increase the burden on the muscles. Here are a few simple exercises, number of repetitions depends on you:

• Place the palms in front of you, making sure that your elbows are at chest level. Press down firmly with his hands on each other for about 10 seconds.

• Connect your palms, fingertips touching the chin and without disconnecting the fingers of at least 20 times strongly clap your hands.

• Take in each hand and slowly lower the dumbbells and raise your hands without bending at the elbows.

• outstretched arms with dumbbells cross your first sharp movements in front of him, and then - at the rear.

Special cosmetics

Alas, buying endless bottles of cream, we completely forget that tender breast skin needs nourishment and toning no less. So, what you need to know when choosing and using the funds for the breast?

• For a normal diet and moisturizing the skin after a shower you can use any cream or body lotion. If you want to get a significant firming and toning effect, it is better to buy quality cosmetics known company. But be prepared for the fact that, unfortunately, can not be cheap. Typically, these special funds are included in the pharmacy series (Vichy, Lierac, Biotherm, Galenic), line for salons (Thalgo, Decleor, Darphin, Payot) or refer to the cosmetics brand class "lux» (Lancome, Clarins, Sisley).

• Since you have started to use a special cream, do it on a daily basis and not on a case-by-case basis. Most of the tools recommended for use in the form of courses lasting at least a month, which can be repeated 2-3 times a year. For each course, you will need an average of two packs of money. If your chest needs a more active influence, should opt for ampoules (eg, Phytrel from Lierac), but they must be used for at least two months, for which you will need as much as 5 packs.

• Apply on skin massaging movements in the direction from the chest to the chin, not forgetting that the power and capacity needs not only the bust, and décolleté and neck.

• To enhance the tonic and refreshing effect of this cosmetics, keep it in the fridge and remove therefrom immediately before application to the skin.

• Choosing tools for use during pregnancy, remember that you will be useful not only special cosmetics for breast enhancement, but also drugs of stretch marks.

• Carefully read the annotations to buying tools, especially if you decide to use them during breastfeeding. The fact that many of them at this time is not recommended.

Plastic surgery

If the shape and condition of your bust you do not like absolutely the only way out - go to the clinic of plastic surgery. In addition to traditional operations to reduce and breast augmentation are doing here and lift that is returned (or even improve) the form that the chest had in his youth, or to feed the child. However, remember that this is a very serious operation, which, moreover, can have extremely negative consequences. That is why it is better to resort to only in extreme cases. Although, if you follow the advice provided in this article, then this case you simply do not arise!
If a plastic you're not ready, try using a huge arsenal of salon procedures for the breast.

Now that you know about breasts all or nearly all, and hopefully be able to check this knowledge into practice. And finally, one wish - even pencils you always fall!

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