Neck like a swan ...

Neck like a swan ...
 In women not to ask others about age. However, the neck almost any representative of the beautiful half of humanity can give his mistress with his head. Unfortunately, restore youth neck can neither one plastic surgeon, so you must take care of her beauty from an early age. It is much easier to have a smooth and taut neck than to hide her flaws under a turtleneck or a colorful scarf.

This stems from sagging and wrinkled skin on the neck is a broad muscle. Over the years, it loses its elasticity, so much of our lives we spend bowed down his head. Remember, in what position you are reading a book or sitting at the computer. Wide neck muscles in this case is absolutely not involved.

On this basis, we can assume that the first step in the struggle for a beautiful neck should be special exercises. Perfectly suited twists the neck back and forth, as well as the slopes of the head to the right and to the left. Help bring the muscles in tone and another fun exercise. Raise your chin and say the correct articulation of the vowel "u", "and", "o", stretching his lips.

Do not forget that almost any form of physical exercise, there are certain exercises for the muscles necks. Do not neglect them. Be sure to follow them every day.

Next equally important aspect of care for the neck - its cleansing and nutrition. It is no secret that the skin on the neck is the most delicate, so you need to take care of it every day. When washing and do not forget to clean the skin of the neck. Then you can wipe it with lotion or tonic, and then apply a nourishing cream.

If you notice that the skin on his neck became dry and wrinkled, it's time to start her nutrition and hydration. The easiest way - to put on the neck of a moisturizing cream or vegetable oil, then wrap it with a towel or plastic wrap for an hour or half an hour. After this procedure, the skin becomes elastic again.

Contrasting compresses will also help to keep the skin in good shape. To do this, you need a warm decoction of mint, cold water and two towels. Well affect the appearance of the neck mask of egg white, lemon juice and vegetable oil.

Thus, spending only 15-20 minutes a day you will have a smooth and graceful neck, which in any case does not not give the age of your owner.

Tags: muscle, neck care, swan