Masks the effect of sunburn How to tan without the sun and tanning

Masks the effect of sunburn How to tan without the sun and tanning
 Smooth, nice tan on the face can decorate any woman. In addition, the tanned look not only beautiful, but also very fashionable. At the same time, not every woman has the opportunity to go to sunbathe on the beach, solarium sometimes write about is what is scary, and cosmetics that have the effect of tanning are not suitable for every woman. However, there is a solution - you can use simple folk recipes that allow you to create a tan without leaving home.

If you want to make your skin tanned from home, start each morning with washing the face skin strong black tea, cocoa or natural coffee. This will allow your skin to acquire a smooth and light tan, and will make your skin more supple and fresh. Excellent tonic is the morning rubbing the skin with small ice cubes made from coffee or tea.

From ground cocoa powder and coffee can make facial masks that your skin does not only give a tanned look, and will also be able to clean the skin of dead cells of the upper epidermis. Simply add the cocoa or coffee a little water (the mask should get enough thick). Then this mass should be held on the face for about ten minutes. If your skin is dry, dissolve coffee powder is water and vegetable or olive oil.

Can be used as tanning and carrots. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and apply it on the face. There is another way: squeeze the juice from carrots, then mix it with a small amount of vegetable oil or olive oil. The resulting liquid, wipe the skin on the face. In no case did not immediately wash off! Leave it on for fifteen minutes and then rinse your face with water. However, the data do not fit carrot mask owners of light skin, because, as it will give a yellowish tint.

In turn, to give a tan for oily skin, gently clean the skin of the juice of the roots of rhubarb. Squeeze the juice from the fresh roots and wipe them face twice a day. Rinse with a mask may be optionally remove its remains normal tissue.

Also, give the skin tanned look is possible by means of infusions of chamomile and succession. Per liter of boiling water 8 tablespoons take one of these herbs. The resulting infusion close tightly and leave for two hours. After this, the infusion of strain and is used for daily morning wiping skin.

Tags: skin, face, effect, domestic, condition, mask, solarium, sun tan