How to remove the redness after tanning

How to remove the redness after tanning
 If your skin after solarium red, it indicates that you either have exceeded the duration of the session, or use low-quality cream (and possibly did forget to do this). To act in such cases, the same as you would have done, getting a sunburn.
 Take advantage of dairy products. Excellent job of podkisshee milk, yogurt or sour cream. Apply the product on the skin with a thin layer - the skin at the same time must be clean, without a trace of cream or lotion. After some time, the tissue calm down the redness will begin to subside and you will feel the characteristic smell - soaking, dairy products unpleasant smell. Go to the shower and gently wash away the mask without using a washcloth. Pat the body with a soft towel and lubricate the red areas light moisturizer or olive oil.

Instead of sour cream and yogurt cucumber can be used - or rub the pulp squeeze the juice, spread it on the burnt skin. After soaking can apply another layer, then go into the shower. It is believed that the flesh of the cucumber can not wash off, but it is not. Juice creates a protective film on the skin, which pulls the tissue and may cause unpleasant and even painful.

In your home medicine cabinet certainly is a universal remedy for burns, insect bites, etc. If not, then you can buy it at the pharmacy. Apply a thin layer on the skin red, wait until completely absorbed. You will need several applications to restore the color and the skin began to look tanned, but not burnt. These drugs can not wash off - as a rule, they are issued in the form of a gel that absorbs quickly, leaving no traces on the skin in the form of a film. Try not to exceed the standards of the medical drugs, so as not to cause unpleasant consequences, follow the instructions.

The next day, treat the skin with vegetable oil (you can also use camphor or burdock). Oil layer must be very thin, otherwise it will then be difficult to wash off. Lubricating the skin, massage it a little, increasing absorption. Burned skin is very dry, so it is necessary to provide intense hydration - repeat rubbing oil several times a day as needed.

Tags: skin, burn, Ambassador, care, solarium