How to remove the "ears" on the legs

How to remove the "ears" on the legs
 Female body undergoes many changes, hateful fat now and then appears in a new place. One of these places stay fat - the outer side of the thighs, the deterioration of which is called the "ears."
 Due to hormonal changes a woman's body changes and acquires new "body parts", for example, "ears" on the hips. These fat deposits are quite difficult to exercise the place, but they can fight. Remember that only the regularity and integrated approach can improve your appearance and return to its former shape.

Start with food. Fat is stored and because of malnutrition, so you'll have to revise your diet. Slide it in the direction of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, chicken and fish. Avoid or reduce the intake of fatty, fried and sugary foods. Drink clean water, replacing her soda, coffee and alcohol. If you strictly adhere to these recommendations, the first results will appear in a week. Improve not only your appearance, but also health.

Consult a beautician. Many salon treatment can significantly reduce the size of the "ears." If time and money on this you do not, do not worry. Some of them you can repeat at home, though not with such a resounding success as a professional. Purchase at the pharmacy powder blue or pink clay, mix it with warm water in a ratio of one to one and apply on problem areas. Then wrap them in cling film and leave with a hot cup of tea under the covers at least an hour.

Massage treatments are best done directly in the shower. Rasparte skin and rub her sponge massager. After that massage your hands, smoothing fat with pressure.

None of weight loss is not without exercise. Do the exercises three times a week. Lie on your side, his hand under his head. Straight leg put ninety degrees relative to the torso. Lift the top leg, holding the bottom on the floor. Change the way.

From the same position lean on his elbow, connect two straight legs and raise them together at the same time. When lowering down try not to touch the floor. Change the way.

Tags: feet, ears, thigh