How to remove irritation after epilation

How to remove irritation after epilation
 The fact that the hair removal is one of the essential means of body care, no doubt. Fortunately, today there is a large variety of effective ways of getting rid of unwanted hair. But we must remember that, despite the fact dare you use wax, the traditional typewriter or cream for hair removal, this procedure is irritating to the skin.
 To save your skin and reduce the discomfort caused by shaving, follow a few simple rules and apply on a daily body care cosmetic products containing ingredients that soften the irritation - allantoin and D-panthenol.

To hair removal procedure was less unpleasant and more efficacious, it is first necessary to properly prepare the skin. Any type of hair removal carried out in the home, it is best to carry on the hot soft skin. Therefore, wax, shaving creams and electrical depilatories should be applied immediately after leaving the bathroom. Skin during epilation must be absolutely clean, that is, without the layers of cream and balm (exception - special recommended for this purpose gel or shaving foam).

Each of the existing methods for removing unwanted hair has its advantages and drawbacks. Shaving machine and almost painlessly without irritating the skin, but the effect is very short-lived. Longer can keep the skin smooth, applying wax or electric depilatory. No matter what method of hair removal you choose, after the procedure, it is necessary to soothe the skin. Dress it with a special ointment or cream containing substances soothing irritation, especially good in this sense means containing extract of chamomile. Thanks to the special composition of such creams or balms perfectly moisturize the skin, it becomes soft, silky and healthy.

Some people tend to ingrown hairs. Instead sprouting surface hairs grow in the epidermis, it also causes inflammation and irritation. To prevent this undesirable phenomenon, regularly remove dead skin particles epidermis peeling or massage rough washcloth in the direction "against the hair growth." In addition, the constant use moisturize and soften skin balm.

Natural home remedies used in skin irritation after epilation, well help the leaves of aloe tree. Cut the bottom most fleshy leaves, rinse it well, cut sharp edges, cut lengthwise and attach to the sore places tenderloin.

You can use a decoction of herbs: celandine, chamomile, calendula or succession (brew a little stronger than indicated in the instructions, filter, apply moist cotton pads).

If you have very sensitive skin, use an anti-inflammatory cream for children (without any additives) or powder, they can solve this problem.

Tags: cream, Ambassador, hair removal, aloe, irritation, allantoin, panthenol