How to get rid of the veins in her arms

How to get rid of the veins in her arms
 The causes of varicose veins in her arms, as well as on other areas of the body are trophic changes in the vascular wall, resulting in varicose disease in general. In addition, the veins on his left hand may occur with a significant increase in heart size, so an isolated veins change only one limb should alert the patient and make him see a doctor, surgeon or specialist in vascular surgery for advice.
 Accordingly, treatment of veins on the hands similar to the treatment of varicose veins in the legs - carrying out measures aimed at normalizing the state of the vascular wall, restoring normal blood flow, restorative procedures. But the only means of getting radical surgery - sclerotherapy or ligation of the affected venous trunks, as a result of the operation stops blood flow in the affected veins and they "zapustevayut", thereby eliminating the cosmetic defect.

For the normalization of the vascular wall and tone used in a rational exercise, but bandaging hand used very rarely. Can be effective tempering procedure, contrast baths and douches, including with the use of traditional medicine. Used drugs on the basis of an extract of horse chestnut, willow, and can be used decoctions for oral and compresses on the affected veins. These drugs are included in ointments and gels produced in pharmaceutical activities.

Inside patients prescribed medicines that improve the properties of the blood - tablet preparations, which contain small doses of acetylsalicylic acid. Also using drugs that affect the state of the vascular wall - veno tonic, and vitamins, improves metabolic processes in the body at all.

But the most effective way to get rid of varicose veins on the upper extremities remain surgery. During these treatments to be administered to the vascular lumen special solutions which cause "sticking" of the vascular walls and in that the circulation vessel ceases and Vienna disappears. Vein ligation is also possible, but this method of treatment used in the present conditions is very rare.

Tags: hand, varicose veins, expansion