How to freshen up before the wedding

How to freshen up before the wedding
 Pre-wedding worries can seriously affect the appearance of the bride. The closer a significant date, the more stress that can not change for the better her beauty, and health too. Start preparing for the wedding need at least one month, or in this day beauty can be quite out of shape.
 Begin result in the appearance of the order must be at least one month before the wedding. And that's if you do not have any particular problems, such as obesity, damaged teeth or split ends. Even when the appearance is normal, you will need a set of measures and procedures.

Beauty comes from within. If you have a health problem, it looks and will never be perfect, so to start to see a doctor and try to fully restore health. Be sure to eat vitamins, because without some nutrients you will never be healthy nails and hair. You can also start using a mild sedative. For example, motherwort, valerian or mint.

Make regular hydrating mask for the face, hair, nails and feet. They can be purchased or hand made from natural products. They can be applied 1-2 times a week for 20-40 minutes. In the morning, you need to wipe your face and neck frozen grass broth or coffee. This will give an additional tone the skin. Once a week you need to use the scrub, cleansing their face and body, and legs. So you refresh the skin and get rid of dead skin cells.

Change your diet. Give up fried, fatty, smoked. Try to eat fruits, vegetables, lean meat and dairy products. If you have extra weight, join a gym and visit it at least twice a week. After classes, you can go to the sauna and steam bath a couple of hours.

Before going to bed necessarily ventilate the room. Near the head put a container of plain water. This will help get rid of small wrinkles. A good idea to sign up for a massage. If you do not have such an opportunity, do it yourself or ask a loved one. Be sure to massage the back, the skin around the eyes, chest and neck. During this procedure, you can use essential oils.

A week before the wedding start doing relaxing bath of herbs, in which you can add all of the same aromatic oils. A few days before the wedding, a manicure, pedicure, haircut and hair coloring. Well, the very day of the festival you will only have to apply makeup, put on a wedding dress and enjoy the result.

Tags: wedding order