You can enlarge your breasts without the involvement of specialists in the field of surgery. To do this, pick up a complex exercise that not only increase your breast size, but also strengthen the muscles. A set of exercises aimed at improving posture and strengthening the muscles of the back. This is necessary in order to form a straight posture, which visually enlarge your breasts and give her a nice shape.
Effective ways to strengthen the back muscles are exercises with dumbbells, push-ups or bench. Hands with dumbbells should be raised in different directions to shoulder level. It also helps to increase the size and improve the shape of the breast following exercise: both hands to carry out hands pressing movement, previously closed their palms to the castle. Resistance should not be very strong, as this will negatively affect the result.
The second method is to use a breast augmentation cosmetic products, which contain phytoestrogens. The result is due to the fact that these drugs accelerate the metabolism and causes increased blood circulation. It should be noted that the effect is attained almost immediately, but after the termination of the application of creams and gels, the size and shape of the breast becomes the same.
Good results can be achieved by carrying out a vacuum treatment. Massage with special bowls provides a rush of blood to the mammary gland. Output generally remains for several weeks, after which the procedure is repeated. Vacuum massage is recommended under the supervision of a specialist, since failure to comply with the level of pressure can damage sensitive area.
Safe, but a very long method - is the consumption of foods containing phytoestrogens. These include legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, beans) and cereals.
To visually enlarge the breasts, enough to buy special underwear with pads (silicone, polyurethane foam), through which the breast is raised significantly. It is ideal for visiting the social events or a romantic dinner, so it does not require time and effort.