Care of the neck - a quick recovery

Care of the neck - a quick recovery
 The skin on the neck is much thinner than the face. Also subcutaneous fat layer on it is missing, so she quickly stretched. Neck muscles have lower tone, weaker and less tense in everyday life, so in need of special care and exercise to maintain youth and health. Abrupt change in weight, weather, tan, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle, which leads to a curvature of the spine, highlights its shortcomings.

At home, while caring for the neck using douches, compresses, lotions, masks, neck, special exercises and massage.

Every day, while taking shower should be directed jet of cold water to the neck. This hydro and stimulation of biologically active points, which improves blood flow to the skin of the neck. After the shower should be wiped dry with a round neck and lubricate nourishing cream on the lines of the collarbone up to his chin. Such care for the neck will always give excellent results.

Skin care neck used yeast, olive or paraffin mask. Well proven mask from a mixture of milk and chopped parsley. All masks applied to the lower neck and neck for 15 minutes, then apply a nourishing cream. When applying the mask should never impose them on the region of the thyroid gland!

In order to stay long neck skin fresh, toned and young, it is desirable to avoid contact with hot water to the neck. You can use contrasting procedures with a wet towel as a compress and massage. 3 minutes to put a warm towel for 3 seconds - a cold towel. At the end of the procedure to use a pat with a towel under the chin, which is necessary to moisten in saline with sea salt. In any case not to massage the area of ​​the thyroid gland and do not stretch the skin of the neck! Excellent effect have warm oil compresses.

Need to sleep on a low pillow, walk straight, follow the posture, keep your head high, do special exercises to strengthen the muscles, skin elasticity.

Can be used as hygiene is not only cool water and soap and lotions with herbs (chamomile, sage, mint and lemon).

On the skin of the neck no sebaceous glands, so it is necessary to use the cream twice a day is necessary. After all, the neck skin is never greasy, most often it is dry, less normal. Therefore, care for the neck requires a cream for dry and normal skin always, regardless of skin type.

To nourish the skin of the neck and décolleté, you can use different masks (banana, orange, cream and egg). Rejuvenates and refreshes the neck orange mask. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, juice of 1 orange and refined sunflower oil. The mixture was put for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Therapeutic wraps make the skin soft and silky neck. For this purpose, you can use a specially prepared mixture of orange juice and cheese, mixed with vegetable oil. The mixture was spread on a cheesecloth and wrap her neck wrapped with a cloth top. So it is necessary to lie down with his head thrown back 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and neck skin.

Implementation of all activities do not require a lot of time, cost and effort. Every woman should take care of yourself after 25 years, when the skin of the neck becomes vulnerable.

Tags: skin, neck, restoration, maintenance, domain, cleavage