How to remove tan

How to remove tan
 Tan, chocolate skin is considered beautiful and almost always in fashion, but there are many reasons why it is necessary to remove the tan. He's not all there is, can go smoothly or buy ugly, charcoal shade. With the help of special tools and folk methods can lighten the skin and get rid of sunburn.
 Before you use any means to remove the skin from the sun, take a hot bath. From the heat of the pores open, the skin becomes more sensitive. Added to the bath broth Hypericum slightly lighten the body, but in this case it is impossible to sit in the water, otherwise tan starts to go rough spots. When washing, use a hard sponge than usual. After the bath, put on a skin scrub or exfoliating to remove the stratum corneum. You can take advantage of special bleaching agents. Choose those that match your skin type.

The safest way to remove a tan leather is a natural product, containing in its composition bleaching agents - such as lemon, raw potatoes, cucumbers. Take some raw young potatoes and squeeze out the juice from them. Moisten a cotton ball in it and wipe the tanned skin. After ten minutes, rinse with warm water and juice. Perform this procedure on a regular basis, several times a day and soon you will notice that the skin became lighter.

Lemon - known bleaching agent. You can use lemon peel, rubbing her tanned place, or squeeze the juice, mix it with cucumber. Proceed in the same way as with the juice of potato - put on the body and rinse. Two weeks tan come.

Another popular way - put a few raw almonds in milk and leave overnight. In the morning, beat blender and apply the mixture on your skin for a few minutes, rinse. This method not only helps to get rid of sunburn, but also moisturize the skin.

Good whitening mask of sour cream, dairy products, or clay, and if you mix a few ingredients (clay, sour cream, lemon or cucumber juice), the mask will be more effective. White clay is best removes tan, are also good yellow and blue, but they are suitable for oily skin. Holders of normal or combination skin type, it is desirable to use a pink or green clay, suitable for mature people red.

To achieve quick results help parsley juice. Buy fresh parsley, stems and take them to the ceiling in a mortar. Wrap in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. Daily lubricate them to the skin, leave for a few minutes and rinse with water. It is undesirable to use this tool for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Take your vitamins E and A, they help epithelial cells updated faster.

Tags: removal, tanning