Formula harmony

Formula harmony
 Ideal Standard 90-60-90 figure is not available to everyone. On the volume of the body affects not only personal weight but different physical characteristics. There are many formulas to help calculate the optimal weight and body balance, however, the beauty and harmony of shapes made judged by the general appearance. Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like how you look? Who is your favorite person thinks you are the most attractive woman in the world? Then you do not have to worry about. And what do those who have betrayed folds of fat bulging out of clothes?
 Find a harmonious and proportionate figure will help you a regular fitness classes in conjunction with proper nutrition. This universal formula able to do wonders harmony with any figure with enough perseverance and patience. In a diet and physical stress, it is important to stick to moderation and regularity. Better deal three times a week for an hour, once a week for three hours. The diet also should not go from one extreme to another: first weeks of exhausting to sit on a diet, and then pluck and tuck sweets all day.

Develop an optimal diet, you will be able to stick to it every day. To maintain the figure in good shape number of calories consumed in food should be proportional to the energy spent per day. Gradual weight loss is possible only when you eat a little less than expend energy during the day.

Included in the daily diet of fresh fruits and vegetables. They contain fiber and help cleanse the body of toxins. Limit junk food to a minimum: fried, smoked, salted, fat, pastries and sweets. Refuse completely from junk food is not necessarily, because not everyone can handle it psychologically. Drink more pure filtered water - at least 1, 5 liters per day. Do not load up tight for the night. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Take the gym at least 3 days a week for 40-60 minutes, or every day for 15-20 minutes. Agree, even with a heavy load at home and at work to find for yourself 15 minutes a day is quite real. Share the load by day as follows - one day you strengthen the muscles of the back, the other day - shake your abdominal muscles, the third - the muscles of the arms and chest, in the fourth - the legs and buttocks, and the fifth - dedicate aerobic exercise: running, riding a bike etc. You can simply include energetic music and dance from the heart.

If you have a disproportionate figure is correct it will help with dumbbells and exercises at the gym. In the narrow shoulders and wide hips should pump up the muscles of the arms and shoulders, with narrow hips and broad shoulders - to pay attention to the legs and buttocks. Athletic gymnastics so good that allows you to create proportions of the figure in its sole discretion. Aerobic exercise will help get rid of excess fat.

Stick universal formula harmony (balanced diet + fitness) is constant, and not from time to time, and you can always boast beautiful, attractive figure.

 Author: Olga Dolbysheva

Tags: formula, harmony