As soon as the sun ceases to be so available, the following problem arises: how to get smooth skin tones without natural sources of ultraviolet radiation. The easiest tan house - this tanning. But it has its own specifics.
Tool that can be applied with a spray, spread relatively evenly, well-tanning cream - is another story. How many girls in an attempt to shine on the important events were going to have a situation where the skin of the palms acquired color of the wood! Their mistake was to try to apply it means hands, whereas it necessarily require gloves. It is advisable to get a helper in such a difficult task, since self-applied cream on the back hard enough.
Another way of how you can create an instant tan concerns salon procedures. Evenly on the body a predetermined composition, which does not penetrate into the skin cells. It is a tool that allows you to look good today, and a few days makes it possible to forget the presence of sunburn on the skin. Naturally, that vitamin D at a similar process of tanning is not synthesized, so good that it is only cosmetic.
The technique has already become familiar and not depending on the time of year - a solarium. But the result is a one-time can not be achieved. Treatment time depends on the type of skin, but the experts do not recommend too rush to purchase a smooth chocolate hue. It is best to gradually increase the time of sun, only the third week of moving to the maximum time interval. Creating a color once, there is only a couple of times a week to keep your tan to the appearance of natural sunlight.