Rejuvenation gel is entering the drug under the wrinkle with a needle-thread. Gel Essence gets under the skin and forms a "skeleton", which eventually acquires connective tissue and the skin becomes smooth surface. This "modeling" is recommended after 30 years and take into account that the success of this procedure depends on the condition of the skin and the selected gel (arikoll, Restylane, Botox or biopolymer SR 350).
Lifting - lifting of skin with the help of modern cosmetic treatments or plastic surgery.
Operating lifting aimed at modeling the oval face, lift sagging cheeks and chin. The operation lasts about 3 hours under general anesthesia and requires a period of rehabilitation. The effect of the procedure - rejuvenation for 10-15 years, and stores the result up to 8 years.
Non-surgical facelift is a procedure carried out in beauty salons with the help of special tools and devices. This method is also called thermo - effect on the skin by means of radio frequency radiation.
Due to thermal (heat) effects on the dermis and subcutaneous fat, activates metabolic processes and improve blood flow. As a result, the collagen fibers of the skin shrink and become elastic, begins to produce "young" collagen and elastin. Termolifting recommended courses. The effect goes on about 2 years and is noticeable after the first session. Require mandatory consultation with a specialist, because the procedure has contraindications.
Laser rejuvenation - non-surgical way to rejuvenate the skin with a laser. After these procedures are activated metabolism and normal physiological activity of cells. Stimulate the activity of collagen and elastin, and destroyed pigment accumulation. The procedure lasts about 25-40 minutes and held sessions. The optimum effect is achieved after 3-6 sessions.