In order to lay down on the skin tan evenly, you need to put it in order. Tools tanning stained top layer of skin. Therefore, apply a scrub. It is best to carry out the procedure a few days before staining. Remove hair. The skin should be clean and smooth. Dry areas can be painted in a darker color. This is because such active dry skin absorbs any moisture. Type of tanning in this case is not too attractive. Therefore, perform a series of moisturizing treatment with masks and creams. Before you apply the tan wash off makeup and clean your face lotion. If you doubt the perfect condition of the skin, wipe the face tonic.
Note that the means of tanning have different colors, and not all are suitable for you. Therefore, carefully read the recommendations on the label. Note the shelf life of the product. In most cases, it composes up to two years. Before you apply the tool, make sure it fits you. To do this, apply a little sunburn on a small patch of skin and wait - there will be a negative reaction or not. If after a while you notice the appearance of redness or rash, this tool is not for you. To get an intense color, choose the tanning, which allows us to achieve the result gradually.
On the elbows, knees and ankles skin is thicker and coarser, therefore absorbs more cosmetic. Try to apply the tan to these places more thinly. If you still get the shade darker, correct the problem, taking a shower. To tan look natural, do not treat the skin armpits, palms and between the fingers.
After applying means wait until it dries. It is not necessary to dress immediately. Otherwise, from contact with the fabric color will be uneven.
Once the desired results, do not use exfoliating skin care. Otherwise tan becomes uneven.