Salon treatment hair removal at home

Salon treatment hair removal at home
 For the modern woman hair removal - the same thing everyday, like make-up and manicure. In beauty salons hair removal is done quickly and professionally, but such procedures cost money. At home, you can achieve excellent results, no worse than in the cabin, and, quite cost-effective way.

Of course, all kinds of services rendered inside the home does not repeat, but some methods make it possible to qualitatively epilation simple actions.

One of the most popular ways - using hair removal wax. You can buy it in any store cosmetics. The principle is the following: the wax is heated to a certain temperature (desirably not higher than 40-42 ° C), which may be a conventional water bath. Then, with a special blade is applied to the treated surface. On top of the wax special superimposed strips of paper or fabric. The wax should cool down a bit and be a little thicker. At this point, it envelops hairs and keeps them securely. You need a very fast and sharp movement to pull the strip in the direction opposite of hair growth. Thus the whole surface. After hair removal is necessary to use a soothing and slow down hair growth lotions for the body.

Another way - to buy ready-made strips for hair removal. Their use is simpler and more convenient. You just need to rub the strips between your hands to warm them a little, and stick to the skin. Next, the same way they come off together with the hair.

Mixture for hair removal can prepare yourself, and from very affordable and inexpensive components. You will need the sugar, water and lemon juice. Ingredients to mix and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until brown. Mixture should be given to cool to a safe temperature so as not to burn the skin. Then you need to take small pieces and carefully to knead them, applied to the skin, pressing down firmly, as if wiping. Must tear as sharply and quickly. A piece of the mixture can be applied again to stretch and again until it is well to pluck hairs.

It is important to know that the use of such methods is undesirable if the skin is very sensitive, because it may appear severe irritation. To prevent ingrown hairs, you need to use the scrub regularly (1-2 times a week) and applied to the skin special lotions.

Tags: domestic, condition epilation procedure