All about hair removal intimate zone

All about hair removal intimate zone
 Intimate Zone - most probably the sensitive area of ​​the female body. So, and care for "bikini area" should be the utmost caution. Today, most beauty salons offer this tidbit girls service. Many of the clients, once making depilation, can no longer do without a procedure to remove unwanted hair.

Experts say that to make hair removal in the bikini area alone is very difficult, and therefore it is better to turn to professionals. However, some of the girls, due to the natural restraint or from a desire to save money, yet dare carry out the procedure at home. And venturing on such an important step to remember: an ordinary razor is totally inappropriate - you need special tools that are designed specifically for hair removal procedures intimate zone.

However, it is worth noting the only drawback depilation bikini: this procedure, unfortunately, has no long-term effect, since removes only the outer part of the hair follicle and remains. Consequently, after a week and a half in the bikini area will appear again "bristle".

One of the most effective means for hair removal is considered intimate zone wax for intimate waxing. This tool removes hair quickly and does not require the use of conventional paper strips. Should focus on the fact that on the bottle with wax should be specified: "specially for intimate waxing." Such funds have tonic and disinfecting effect, perfectly moisturize the skin and prevent the appearance of inflammatory cells.

Using creams for procedures chemical depilation - is another option to remove unwanted hair in the bikini area. Action depilatory cream is the means destroys the structure of the visible part of the hair, makes every hair thin and fragile. So, at the end of the exposure time of depilatory cream hairs simply removed with a spatula with a special skin, together with the remnants of funds.

In addition to funds specifically for hair removal, removing unwanted hair in the intimate zone is necessary to use special gels that are applied after the procedure. The structure of these gels contain components that have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.

Tags: area, waxing, bikini